water tower

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈtaʊɚ][ˈwɔ:tə ˈtauə]


  • Keyword : Turn on water tower discharge flow Tai pound at to press strong .

    关键词: 放水 ,流量,流态,冲击压强。

  • Design and application of adjustable arc formwork and setting arc formwork of tank for Sri Lanka water tower are introduced .

    介绍斯里兰卡 水塔 可调圆弧模板与储水池定型圆弧模板的设计与应用。

  • That is the original Chicago water tower and pumping station .

    那是芝加哥最早的 水塔和泵站。

  • And the company sets up pump room water tower adopting deep water pump tank to provide water safeguard for producing and living .

    并建有泵房、 水塔,采用深水泵、储水池相结合的方式,为生产和生活用水提供了保障。

  • The Convection of the Philippine in Summer Impacts on the Mid-low River of Yangzi ; With the self-Built water tower our hotel ensures ample supply of running water to our guests all the year round .

    夏季菲律宾附近对流对我国长江中下游降水的影响本宾馆有自建 水塔,一年四季自来水供应充足,保证卫生盥洗使用。

  • Water-proof for water tower swimming pool oil pool toilet internal and external wall and floor .


  • After the water tower was built a train stopped for the first time at Mill Creek .


  • I remember Pete mentioned he could see a star on a water tower .

    我记得彼得提到过他能看到 水塔上的星星。

  • Construction Technology of Arc Formwork in Sri Lanka Water Tower Project

    斯里兰卡 水塔工程圆弧模板施工技术

  • I noticed it also right away this morning ! I use the water tower East of my house as the reference and this morning she was too far North !

    我立刻今天早注意到了上它!我使用我房子东边的 水塔作为参照物,它今天早上太偏北了!

  • In this article the main cause of the faults occurred in the operation of cooling water tower under the condition that blower and motor is connected with multi short shafts was analyzed .

    分析了 凉水 风机与电机采用多段短轴相连,运行故障多的主要原因。

  • There is an equipment in front of the building . ( behind the water tower under the pipe rack on the floor inside the steel structure in the workshop ) .

    在建筑物前面( 水塔后面、管廊下面、地面上、钢结构里面、车间内)一台设备。

  • Built the village primary school facilities Sham Tseng water tower the standardization of health and mass cultural activities Square the realization of the villages roads households pass water .

    村里建起了设施完备的小学、深井 自来水 、标准化卫生所和群众文化活动广场,实现了村通公路、户通自来水。

  • Application of Long Shaft Direct Connection between Blower and Motor Used for Cooling Water Tower

    长轴直联在 凉水 风机与电机间的应用

  • The blasting scheme blasting altitude blasting parameter blasting network and blasting safety in the blasting demolition of an outdated framed structure water tower in an university are introduced .

    介绍了该 水塔拆除的爆破方案、爆破高度、爆破参数、爆破网路以及爆破安全等主要设计技术。

  • Cooling water tower should be cleaned once a month .

    冷却 水塔宜每月清洗一次。

  • The ellipsoid multifunctional industrial emergency water tower and construction technics are described in this paper which would provide a reference for the actual engineering .

    本文介绍了一种椭球形多功能工业事故 水塔及其施工工艺,可为实际工程提供借鉴。

  • The water supplying way can replaces the water tower and the water pump . Therefore for improving water supplying quality and saving powers it is very valuable .

    该系统取代了 高塔水泵直接加压供水方式,提高了供水质量,节能效果明显,极具推广、应用价值。

  • This is a water tower that will house a water deluge system designed to allow rockets to dump water in order to dampen vibrations from heating when ignition begins .

    这是一个 水塔,将房子一水泛滥的制度设计,让火箭倾倒水,以打击从点火取暖时开始振动。

  • The utility model is mainly used in the auto water level control of water tank or water tower .

    本实用新型主要用于蓄水池或 水塔水位的自动控制。

  • Clearer galaxy * the water tower is really like a spacecraft .

    更加清晰的银河,那个 水塔真的很像飞船。

  • The water tower is fifty metres high .

    这个 水塔上下有50米。

  • Simulation design of water tower water level detection system based on MCU

    基于单片机的 水塔水位检测控制系统仿真设计

  • The emergency water tower is used in the industrial circulating cooling water system .

    事故 水塔常用于工业循环冷却水系统的安全 供水

  • That 's right the water tower and pumps work together to keep the water pressure stable throughout the day .

    的确如此, 水塔和水泵协力保持水压在一天中持续稳定。

  • Discussion on Structure Design of 500 m ~ 3 Inverted Cone Water Tower of Glass Plant

    浅谈玻璃厂500m~3倒锥壳 水塔的结构设计

  • Inference system is adopted to realize the extreme temperature control of saturating hot water tower in shift section of ammonia plant .

    应用推断控制,实现合成氨变换工段中饱和 热水 极植温度的控制。

  • A brick-structured water tower under complicated environmental conditions was demolished by the use of directional blasting .

    用定向爆破法拆除了处于复杂环境中的一砖砌 水塔

  • Another person died when a water tower collapsed in Mianyang Sichuan the news agency said .

    有新闻说,在四川绵阳由于一个 水塔倒塌造成一人死亡。