water treatment plant

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈtritmənt plænt][ˈwɔ:tə ˈtri:tmənt plɑ:nt]


  • The hospital 's incinerator and the local water treatment plant have been out of order for two years .

    医院院长JosephKété解释说,医院的焚化炉和当地的 处理 已有两年不能运转。

  • Supply and installation of water treatment plant public works category w_225 Valve and filter mechanical devices are sterilized .

    供应及装置滤 〔公共工程类别〕阀门和过滤装置是经过杀菌 处理的。

  • Automatic Control System for Regenerated Technology of Waste Water Treatment Plant

    淄博市 污水 处理 再生 工艺的自控系统

  • Discussion on the process selecting superiority comprehensive evaluation system of municipal waster water treatment plant

    城市 污水 处理 工艺选优综合评价体系的探讨

  • The measurement of the concrete stress distribution and the circumferential deformation of the cell body in oval sludge digester of Zhangzhou water treatment plant are carried out on site .

    测试了采用游动锚技术的漳州 处理 卵形消化池工程预应力钢筋的摩阻损失,分析了预应力摩阻损失的组成与计算方法。

  • Some control systems can be located with special Google searches and then ordered to shut down or speed up potentially blowing up a power or water treatment plant presentations at black hat hackers conference showed in August .

    今年8月,blackhat黑客会议上的报告显示,一些控制系统能够利用谷歌(google)特别搜索定位,接着根据指令关闭或加速,这可能会引爆一家电厂或 处理

  • Benxi Steel Waste Water Treatment Plant of V Model Strains to Expect Harden Case Study and Solves Measure

    本钢 污水 处理 V形滤池滤料板结原因分析及解决措施

  • The provincial water conservancy bureau has approved the utilization of the medium water in Yangcheng Waste Water Treatment Plant ;

    用水已经省水利厅批准使用阳城 污水 处理 城市中水;

  • Especially in the oil and Sinopec in many large enterprises water treatment plant has been very widely used .

    特别是在中石油和中石化的众多大型企业、 处理 已经得到非常广泛的使用。

  • BOT model with BT build a water treatment plant network license pricing model

    BOT及BT 处理 网特许共建价格模型研究

  • Application of PLC in the Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Feed Automatic Control System

    PLC在 水厂加氯自动控制系统中的应用

  • A water treatment plant was completed weeks after they were placed on the list .

    就在公司登上污染名录几个星期之后,一家 污水 处理 工厂就竣工了。

  • Several transportation modes for sludge of waste water treatment plant were discussed and compared .

    讨论了 污水 处理 污泥的几种运输方式并进行了比较;

  • Revamping of Tree-cell Three-layer Floating Bed Water Treatment Plant for High-salt Yellow River Water

    三室三层浮动床 处理高含盐量黄河 技术改造

  • At the No.5 water treatment plant in Hefei Economic and Development Zone a technician explained that purification agent will be added to the water before it comes to the reaction pond .

    在位于经开区的第五 水厂,有关人员介绍,源水进 的第一关就是在被加入净水剂后,进入反应池。

  • The Application of the Tube Aeration System in the Project of the Technical Improvement on Shao Xing Waste and Waste Water Treatment Plant

    管式曝气器在绍兴 污水 处理 技改中的应用

  • Testing research of upgrading revamping technology for waste water treatment plant

    污水 处理 升级改造技术的试验研究

  • Application of the vortex flocculation clarification technology in a water treatment plant in Jiaxing

    涡流絮凝澄清技术在嘉兴某 水厂中的运用

  • The removal efficiency of microcystins by conventional water treatment processes was investigated through laboratory study and detecting microcystins in every process in one water treatment plant .

    通过模拟试验及 水厂实测数据,考察了传统制水工艺对微囊藻毒素的去除规律。

  • A new carbonaceous catalyst was prepared from sludge of the municipal waste water treatment plant .

    以城市 污水 处理 剩余污泥为原料制备了一种新型碳质催化剂。

  • Contact us if you can design us a water treatment plant .

    如果你能够提供 我们 这样的产品 联系我们。

  • Application of Ozone System in Advanced Treatment of Water Treatment Plant

    臭氧系统在 水厂深度处理中的应用

  • Energy saving and emission reduction technology for waste water treatment plant in adipic acid production

    己二酸 废水 处理 装置的节能减排技术

  • The amount and size distribution of particles in the effluent from a sand filter or from activated carbon filtration in a drinking water treatment plant were investigated .

    结合水厂实际 处理 工艺及活性炭 深度 处理 装置,试验研究砂滤池和活性炭滤柱出水中颗粒物数量变化及粒径分布规律。

  • The process feature and main equipment of waste acid and water treatment plant are introduced .

    介绍了污酸 污水 处理 装置的工艺流程、工艺特点和主要设备。

  • The structure features and process requirements of anaerobic reactor in waste water treatment plant is introduced in this article .

    介绍 污水 处理 厌氧反应器的结构特点和工艺要求。

  • Chemical Phosphorus Removal for Achieving 1A Standard in Waste Water Treatment Plant

    污水 处理 达到一级A排放标准中的化学除磷

  • Construction Technology and Quality Control of Baoding No.1 Surface Water Treatment Plant

    保定市第一地表 水厂施工技术及质量控制