water line

[ˈwɔtɚ laɪn][ˈwɔ:tə lain]


  • I have minor damage below water line .


  • Corrosion of Facilities Above Water Line of Offshore Oil & Gas Field and Protection

    海洋油气田 水线以上设施的腐蚀与防护

  • The protection device should not serve as a hindrance to observe the water line .

    防护装置不得妨碍 水位的观察,并能在 水位表损坏时保护人身安全;

  • The only differences will be below the water line he said and will include a bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency and diesel generation plus an enlarged rudder and bow thrusters for improved manoeuvrability .

    唯一的不同是在 水面以下,新船将采用球鼻船首,以提高燃油效率。另外,新游轮采用柴油驱动,船舵更大,同时安装船首推进器,以增强机动性。

  • Water line demarcation test should be carried out when starting up and adjusting the subcritical drum boiler to certify the zero benchmark of the local water gauge .

    亚临界压力的汽包锅炉在启动调试时应进行 水位标定试验,以确定就地水位表的基准零位。

  • On-demand pumps have a pressure switch that makes the pump build up pressure in the fresh water line .

    按需水泵有一个压力开关,使泵在 淡水 输送 线上产生压力。

  • All water line inlets and outlets to be stamped clearly on retainer .

    所有 水管 的进口和出口名称必须清楚的钢印在其支撑架处。

  • The advanced flowing water line a home appliances for producing kit product size accuracy that hardware process is high .

    五金加工的先进 流水线所生产的家用电器配套产品尺寸精度高。

  • Some dare-takers simply socks off rolled up leg just to drip water line was a wheel rolled up stream scare .

    一些胆大者索性脱掉鞋袜、卷起裤腿刚欲淌 前行,就被一阵车轮卷起的“洪流”吓退。

  • Installation costs are also lower since there is no water line to hook up or flushing devices .

    无水小便器要比传统便池成本更低。加上因为没有 进水 管道和冲洗设备。安装成本降低很多。

  • Throw away the first few batches of ice to allow the water line to clear .

    扔掉先生产的一些冰块,以保证 水位清晰。

  • Water Line is another sculpture that takes up an entire room .


  • With a water gauge made up by two or two more glass boards or mica pieces to indicate the water line .

    用两个及两个以上玻璃板或云母片组成一组的水位表,能 连续显示 水位

  • The water line ruptured and paralyzed the city 's water supply system .

    水管 路线使城市的供水系统破裂和瘫痪。

  • I am flooding below water line .


  • Differential pressure remote water gauge should have pressure supplement function to ensure an actual indication of water line in the bubbles under all kinds of working circumstances .

    差压式远传水位表应具有压力补偿功能,以保证各种工况下都能显示汽包中真实 水位的变化。

  • The stream can be shifted freely between foam chamber and water line chamber by rotary valve core .

    通过旋转阀芯使水流在泡沫和 水线两档之间随意切换。

  • Mathematical model is used to calculate and analyze water line in case of 9 kinds of flood flow levels respectively in reservoir .

    利用数学模型分别对9个洪水流量级进行了水库沿程 水面 线计算分析,每个流量级分有围垦堤和没有围垦堤两个方案。

  • The most obvious changes from the original Titanic would be below the water line including welding rather than rivets a bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency and enlarged rudder and bow thrusters for increased maneuverability Palmer said .

    帕尔默说,泰坦尼克II号区别于泰坦尼克最大的地方就是在 水位 线下焊接了(不是铆接)球形艏门以提高燃料的工作效率,扩张船舵和船首推进器的尺寸,使其更便于操作控制。

  • Estimation of maximum depth below the water line .

    估计 水位 线以下的最大深度。

  • The visible scope of the water gauge should not surpass the highest and the lowest safe water line .

    水位表的可见范围应大于最高、最低安全 水位

  • ( of a shore or shoreline ) having an extensive gently sloping area covered with sand or gravel or shingle down to the water line .

    (指海岸或者海岸线)具有广阔、坡度平缓的地区,从上面到 水线都覆盖着沙、沙砾或者鹅卵石。

  • Application indicates the ability of the method in transforming the designed water line is rather good .

    应用表明本方法变化设计 水线面的能力较强。

  • A tempering valve can be installed in the domestic hot water line as shown in Figure 2 .

    建议在家庭 热水 管线上如图2所示安装调节阀。

  • I decided to crop the picture just above the water line

    我决定把这张照片 水印 以下 部分裁掉。

  • The calculation results show that the primarily liquefied area is near water line and the secondary is starter dike .

    通过计算分析得出,上游坡面 水边 线附近区域最易液化,其次在初期坝附近。

  • The XRD analysis shows the water line in Qinghai nephrite jade is mainly composed of tremolite .

    通过X射线粉晶衍射分析确定了青海软玉中的 水线主要由透闪石组成。

  • Avoid water line inlets and outlets through die clamp platen machine T-slots .

    避免 水管 进口和出口和钢摸加紧设备的T型槽位置冲突。