witnessed will

[法] 有人作证遗嘱

  • Lurking in the background are the record trade surpluses China has witnessed during the past four months that officials fear will eventually attract criticism about its currency policy and exports .

    过去四个月来中国创纪录的贸易盈余,也是一个因素。中国官员担心,这些盈余最终 引发外界批评其汇率政策和出口。

  • Though some researches have witnessed in some special work environment or when the system meets some parameters chaos oscillation phenomenon will be produced in the power system . It is harm to the interconnection grid stability and security .

    经研究 发现,在某种工作环境下或满足一定参数时,在电力系统 产生混沌振荡现象,这对互联电网的稳定性及安全性是有害的。

  • What we have witnessed in the past three months and will continue to witness in different forms is a classic case of a regime beset by a crisis of legitimacy .

    我们在过去3个月中 见证的,以及 今后 以不同形式继续见证的,是一个典型的备受合法性危机困扰的政权。

  • The two servants witnessed Mr smith 's will .

    这两个仆人在史密斯先生的 遗嘱签名 作证

  • They witnessed the will .

    他们在 遗嘱连署

  • Through the years between 1996 and 1998 during which China has witnessed the extraordinary days of foreign newsprint dumping and antidumping a dramatic change is taking place in China 's newsprint production and market . And China 's newsprint industry will gradually step onto a new stage .

    经历 1996-1998年国外新闻纸向中国倾销和反倾销的不平凡日子之后,中国新闻纸的生产和市场目前正在发生剧烈的变化, 逐步走上历史的新阶段。

  • The two servants witnessed his will .

    这两个佣人在他的 遗嘱签名 作证

  • Australian universities which have witnessed dwindling international student enrolments will be made more appealing under new visa rules for the2nd semester of2012 .

    据《西 澳洲人报》报道,面对日益衰退的国际留学市场,澳大利亚政府决定简化签证手续,以吸引更多留学生选择澳洲的大学。

  • Witnessed this situation is that the iron-hearted man with a heavy heart to tears you will !

    目睹此况,就是铁石心肠的汉子也 黯然落泪呀!

  • Although a rapid increase of research on DNA microarray for pathogen detection has been witnessed most of the technologies are not applied to the routine detection . It is believed DNA microarray will be widely used as routine diagnostic method with the further developments of technology and equipments .

    虽然基因芯片技术在病原体检测领域的研究已大量 报道,但目前多数仍处于研究阶段,相信随着技术、设备的不断发展和研究的深入,基因芯片技术 将会被广泛用于病原体的检测。

  • Young student Charlie accidentally witnessed a number of students in the process of preparing teasing principal the principal let him speak mischievous mastermind or they will be punished .

    年轻的学生查理无意间 目睹 几个学生准备戏弄校长的过程,校长让他说出恶作剧的主谋,否则 予以处罚。

  • Given by major media industry committees governments and NGOs these awards not only have witnessed the hard work of all SE 's employees but also will stimulate better performance of them .

    这些殊荣不仅 见证 施耐德 电气人在过去一 的辛勤付出,也 大大激励广大员工的士气。

  • I witnessed the earthquake devastation in North of Pakistan two years back no one can resist the force of nature but the human will is stronger then that .

    两年前,我 目睹 巴基斯坦北部地震带来的破坏。没有人可以抵抗自然灾害的侵犯,但是人们的 意志比灾害更强大。

  • This week witnessed an event that will have some animal lovers cheering : the arrival on the market of long-promised'allergy-free'pet cats .


  • These are engraved in the minds of those who witnessed them at the time but will future generations have the chance be able to experience them with the same sense of immediacy ?

    这些景象印刻在了当时 目睹者的脑海里, 后代人还能像亲历者那样感受这些重要时刻吗?

  • He witnessed her will . Article 17 A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency .

    他为她的 遗嘱签名 作证。第十七条公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。

  • He witnessed her will .

    他为她的 遗嘱 签名 作证

  • Some may seem obvious but I have often witnessed smart people get themselves in trouble by thinking they will somehow work everything out .

    其中的有一些可能看起来是显而易见的,但我还是经常能 目睹一些很聪明的人因为自以为 可以解决一切而让自己陷入麻烦。

  • In the competition we witnessed the excellent performance of other participants and believed that we will benefit from this learning opportunity .

    比赛中,我们 看到 参赛朋友 更加优秀的表演。他山之石,可以攻玉。