water main

[ˈwɔtɚ men][ˈwɔ:tə mein]


  • Even though the pure water is what gives sea water its main properties the salinity of sea water affects both its weight and freezing point .

    尽管是纯水赋予了 海水 主要特征,然而海水的盐度却影响了它的重量和冰点。

  • The workman 's tool burst the water main and water spurted out all over the street .

    那个工人的工具把总 水管碰裂了,水喷得满街都是。

  • Fermentation temperature and the ratio of material to water were the main affecting factors for fermentation time and alcohol yield .

    发酵温度、料 比是影响发酵时间和出酒率的 主要因素。

  • Investigation on Nitrate Content in Underground Water in Main Vegetable Producing Regions of Liaoning Province

    辽宁省蔬菜 主产地下水硝酸盐污染调查

  • As for eco-environment construction of Loess Plateau the key point is to return farmland to forest and grassland . Since it is located at a semi-arid and arid climate region water is main factor that refrains the vegetation recovery and eco-reconstruction .

    黄土高原生态环境的建设,退耕还林还草是切入点,由于地处于干旱半干旱区, 水分则是制约该区植被恢复和生态重建的 主要限制因子。

  • The water main broke and flooded the street so we didn 't have any water .

    这个 自来水 管道坏了,街道都被水淹了,所以我们没水用。

  • Study of feed-forward and feedback control of cylinder liner cooling water of main engine for ship

    船舶 主机缸套冷却 温度前馈-反馈控制的研究

  • Half the village were flooded out by a burst water main .

    由於 水管破裂,半数村民被迫离开了家。

  • A water main had broken and water was gushing .

    一根 水管破裂了,水正喷涌出来。

  • Study on Distribution of Organic Pollutants of Yangtze River Water in Main Cities of Jiangsu

    长江江苏段 主要城区 水源有机污染物分布研究

  • Versatile water resistant main compartment can be used as a cooler with ice to keep drinks cold .

    多功能 防漏 隔层能用作冰袋,装上冰就可保持饮品的冰凉。

  • While a group of people gathered around a man fixing a water main offered advice . Later a dog tried to steal my map .

    一群人围观一个男人修 水管,七嘴八舌地提建议,这时候,一条狗尝试把我的地图偷走。

  • The gravimetric observation curves at Chengdu Standard Station showed significantly annual vari - ation period with air pressure and ground water being main interference factors .

    成都基准台的重力观测曲线具明显年变周期,其干扰因素 主要为气压和 地下水

  • Investigation and analysis of the water body 's main nutrition of the subsidence pool in the mining area

    矿区塌陷塘 水体 主要营养盐的调查分析

  • I turned off the water at the main .

    我关闭了 自来水 开关。

  • Assessment and analysis of water quality of main estuaries in Jiangsu Province

    江苏省 主要入海河口 水质评价与分析

  • The plans show the drains and plumbing fixtures but the plumber figures out how to route the pipes and hook up to the water main and sewer .

    计划指出排水沟和排水管固定装置,而管道工则构想如何布置管道和连接到总 水管和下水道。

  • The pressure maintained in the water main is two kilogram per square centimeter .

    自来水 总管里的水压保持为2公斤/方厘米。

  • Using water as the main material the concept creates a literal waterfall from the top of the tower .

    他们的创意是以 主要材料,设计了一个从大厦顶端倾泻而下的巨型瀑布。

  • The serve cold caused a water main to burst and flood the street .

    严寒导致 水管爆裂,水漫街道。

  • Dynamic Characteristic on Space-time of Soil Water of Main Vegetation in Qilian Mountains

    祁连山 主要植被下土壤 的时空动态变化特征

  • The configuration of supply and return water main and riser in the pipe well of the system is analyzed .

    结合实例,分析了系统中管井内供 回水 管、管的布置。

  • Natural Gas and Correlation of Gas Source Rocks in the Xinchang Area Middle Section of the West Sichuan Depression Study on Distribution of Organic Pollutants of Yangtze River Water in Main Cities of Jiangsu

    川西坳陷中段新场地区天然气研究及气源对比长江江苏段 主要城区 水源有机污染物分布研究

  • I was trying to fix your water main you know ?

    我想修理你的 水管,你知道吗?

  • In order to reach the aim of the lowest loss water of main reservoir the best dispatching problem is drawn and come to a conclusion .

    依此作为约束条件,以 库弃 水量最小为目标,提出了北大港水库优化调度的问题,并予以求解。

  • A water main burst and the street was flooded .


  • Analysis the coal mine water 's main sources and the reasons of it 's damage introduce the main methods to control water in our country .

    分析了煤矿 中水 主要来源及其产生危害的原因,介绍了目前我国防治水害的主要措施。

  • Water is one of the six main disasters in coal mining while the water pump main exhaust is important equipment which is used to protect coal mines from being damaged by water .

    水是煤炭生产中六大自然灾害这一,煤矿 水泵是确保煤矿不受水害的重要设备。

  • They tapped the water main to supply the new residential quarter

    他们接通了总 水管为新住宅区供水

  • The street was filled with water presumably from a water main that burst .

    大街上满是水,可能由 自来水 管道爆裂引起。