

[医] 给水

  • Research on Runoff Characteristic and Water-supply Risk of Water Resources Source System of Western Route of South to North Water Transfer Project

    南水北调西线工程水源系统径流特征及 供水风险问题的研究

  • Automatic frequency of water supply equipment direct water-supply type is the direct use of the municipal pipe network pressure to supply water directly .

    全自动变频供水设备直接 供水型,就是直接利用市政管网的压力直接供水。

  • The paper introduces the application of PLC and frequency control technology in constant pressure water-supply system and explains the relevant energy-conserving effect .

    介绍了一种用变频器和单片机组成的恒压 供水系统的设计方案,给出了控制器的硬件结构及控制原理框图。

  • All the water-supply enterprises are faced with the same topic of controlling of leak water .

    漏损控制是所有 供水企业面临的共同课题。

  • This paper introduces water-supply drainage and fire supply system of No.

    介绍了 绥化 第一 医院 给水排水及消防给水系统及其设计 参数

  • Selection of water-supply plastic pipes for buildings and problems to be noted in construction

    建筑塑料 水管的选用及施工应注意的问题

  • However failure of a large number of water-supply projects indicates the need for local decision-making in the choice of technology as well as better coordination among donors .

    但是,许多 供水项目失败了,这说明在选择技术方面应该让地方做出决定,捐赠者之间也要改进协调。

  • Ecological Frangibility and Its Formation Cause of Important Water-supply Ecological Function Area of Yellow River in South Gansu Province

    甘南黄河重要 水源 补给生态功能区生态脆弱性评价及其成因分析

  • The Application of Trenchless Technology in Water-supply Pipeline Construction

    工人挖了一条沟敷设新水管.非开挖技术在 供水管道施工中的应用

  • The low efficiency of using water in modern city garden plant irrigation makes the situation of water-supply more serious .

    现行城市园林植物灌溉,水的利用效率低,使本来就很紧张的 城市 供水更趋紧张。

  • Signal de-noising of urban water-supply SCADA system based on wavelet analysis

    基于小波分析的城市 供水SCADA系统的信号消噪

  • Troops and police also have been ordered to begin work on repairs to damaged roads communication electricity and water-supply systems .

    部队和警察还奉命开始修缮遭到破坏的道路、通讯设施、电力及 供水系统。

  • Code for Design construction and acceptance of water-supply pipes and pits Heat transfer model for a standing column well geothermal system

    供水 管井设计、施工及验收规范循环单井井管-井孔 - 水层传热模型

  • Study on the Water Holding Performance and Water-supply Measures for Eco-concrete ; Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments

    生态混凝土水分保持与 供水措施研究不同植物护岸措施水土保持效益研究

  • Design of bath water-supply system based on fuzzy control

    基于模糊控制的洗浴 供水系统的设计

  • Taking the water-supply project of energy base in Zhunge'er Banner Inner Mongolia as the example this paper analyzes the application of the silting basin in the water-supply project .

    以内蒙古准格尔旗能源基地 供水工程为例,分析了沉沙池在供水工程中的应用。

  • This paper discusses on the necessity of making the vertical division for the high-rise buildings probes into some key problems in the vertical division of the water-supply system and discusses on the features of three kinds of water-supply modes .

    论述了高层建筑进行竖向分区的必要性,探讨了 给水系统进行竖向分区的关键问题,并对3种给水方式的特点进行了论述。

  • The author investigates the water-supply situation of every irrigation district in Kaifeng and analyzes and researches the guarantee mechanism of treating silt by approach channel .

    调查开封各灌区 涵闸 供水现状,对引渠清淤畅通保障机制进行分析研究。

  • Water-supply and water-treatment practice of water circulating system for underground equipments

    井下大型设备水循环系统 给水及水处理方法实践

  • Engineering Design and Discussion of Outdoor Water-supply Pipe for Urban Residential Community

    浅谈现代城市住宅小区配套室外 给水管道的设计

  • Code for design of water-supply for muddy water

    高浊度水 给水设计规范

  • Land-subsidence Assessment on Groundwater Exploitation Project for Dagang of Tianjin Urban Water-supply

    天津市大港城市 供水的地下水开采项目地面沉降影响评价

  • In the pipe engineering replacing the metal water-supply pipe with the plastic water-supply pipe is the requirement of the development of the times .

    管道工程中,塑料给水管取代金属 水管是时代发展的需求。

  • Actuality And Development Foreground Of Architecture Water-supply Plastic Pipe

    我国建筑 给水塑料管现状及发展前景

  • The control principle the software and hardware design of constant pressure water-supply system in residential area based on fuzzy controller is introduced .

    介绍了小区模糊 变频 调速恒压 供水控制系统的控制原理、软硬件设计。

  • On the reform scheme for the secondary water-supply system in some city of South China

    南方某城市二次 供水系统改造方案探讨

  • The present thesis studies the damping characteristics of the water-lubricated radial bearing-restrictors in the case of the constant-pressure water-supply .

    本文研究了核泵恒压 供水径向水润滑轴承中的重要部件&节流器的阻尼特性。

  • To sum up water-supply technology is key to the production and exploitation of Ceratoides .

    驼绒藜属牧草种子萌发和幼苗生长的水分条件是制约目前生产 开基的技术关键。

  • Establishment and Solution of Optimal Dispatching Model for Water-supply Pumping Station with Asynchronous Speed Adjusting

    非同步调速 供水泵站优化调度模型的建立及求解

  • This Paper explains the design principle of automatic water-supply system based on PLC and Inverter control and introduces the characteristic of system software and hardware design in detail .

    本文阐述了PLC、变频器调速自动控制 供水系统设计的机理,且较为详细的讲述了整套系统的硬件、软件设计的特点及显示情况。