Wittig reaction


  • Applications of Wittig Reaction and Wittig - Horner Reaction in Organic Synthesis

    Wittig 反应及Wittig&Horner反应在有机合成上的应用

  • STUDIES ON THE WITTIG REACTION (ⅰ) The Stereochemistry of 1 3 - diene Synthesis


  • Wittig Reaction is of great potential value in application .

    Wittig 反应是一类具有巨大潜在应用价值的 反应

  • Solvent Effect of Wittig Reaction

    WITTIG 反应的溶剂效应

  • Study of the Phase transfer Wittig Reaction of ω - Brominated Quaternary Phosphonate

    ω-溴代季膦盐的相转移 Wittig 反应研究

  • STUDIES ON THE WITTIG REACTION (ⅹ ⅳ) Anion Effects in the Wittig Reaction of Benzylic Phosphonium Ylids

    Wittig 反应的研究(ⅩⅣ)&苄基型膦叶立德Wittig反应中的阴离子效应

  • The Wittig reaction is one of the most import reactions employing for the construction of carbon-carbon double bounds in organic synthesis .

    Wittig 反应是有机合成中用于形成碳碳双键最重要的反应之一。

  • STUDIES ON THE WITTIG REACTION (ⅹⅷ)── Ion Effects in the Wittig Reaction of Stabilized Ylide

    Wittig 反应的研究(ⅩⅧ)&稳定膦叶立德的Wittig反应中的离子效应

  • Methods Chloroacetic acid was treated with thionyl chloride amines and triphenylphosphine to provide quaternary phosphonium salts which were treated with phthalic anhydride to get the target compounds by the Wittig reaction . The pure products were obtained by silica gel column chromatography .

    方法以氯乙酸为起始原料,依次与氯化亚砜、胺、三苯膦反应制得季磷盐,再与邻苯二甲酸酐经 Wittig 反应制得目标化合物,硅胶柱色谱得纯品。

  • Wittig reaction is a valuable method to form the carbon-carbon double bond which is widely used in total synthesis of natural products and organic intermediates .

    Wittig 反应是合成碳碳双键的一个十分重要的方法,被广泛地应用于天然产物和有机中间体的合成中。

  • Application of Solid - Liquid Phase-Transfer Wittig Reaction to the Construction of Side-Chains of Steroids

    固-液相转移 Wittig 反应在甾体支链合成中的应用

  • The synthesis of natural insecticide β - phellandrene is reported by halogenation alkylation and Wittig reaction from cyclohexene in this paper .

    本文报导用环已烯经卤化反应、烷基化反应和 Wittig 反应合成天然杀虫剂β-水芹烯的方法。

  • STUDIES ON THE WITTIG REACTION (ⅶ) & Phase Transfer Catalyzed Wittig Reaction of Allyl Diphenyl Ylids

    Wittig 反应的研究(Ⅷ)&相转移催化二苯基烯丙基型Wittig反应

  • Ketoacid ( 5 ) was converted into diene ( 7a ) by the Wittig reaction .

    Wittig 试剂 反应,得到双烯(7a)。

  • Preparation of Ethane Type Liquid Crystal by Wittig Reaction

    利用 Wittig 反应制备乙烷类液晶

  • The Modified Wittig Reaction

    改良的 Wittig 反应

  • Ketones and stabilized phosphorus ylides were heated together in commercial microwave oven under solvent and medium free conditions the Wittig reaction finished within 4.5 minutes the yield was moderate .

    酮与稳定膦叶立德在家用微波炉中加热,在无任何溶剂或固体介质条件下,4.5min之内完成 反应得到良好产率的 Wittig 反应 产物

  • Heck and wittig reaction are the main use in the Synthesis of the probe .

    主要使用缩合和 Wittig 反应合成这些探针 分子

  • Study on phase transfer catalytic Wittig reaction

    相转移催化 反应研究

  • The Aza - Wittig Reaction in Heterocyclic Synthesis

    杂环合成中的氮杂 Wittig 反应

  • A new path for the preparation of leaf alcohol with 3-chloropropanol triphenylphosphine and propionaldehyde through Wittig reaction was studied .

    本文研究了以3-氯丙醇,三苯基膦和丙醛为原料利用 威蒂希 反应合成叶醇的新路线。

  • Photochemical Wittig Reaction in Total Synthesis of Combretastatin A-4

    CombretastatinA-4全合成中的光化学 Wittig 反应

  • The phase transfer catalyzed Wittig reaction of allyl diphenyl phosphonium salt with substituted aromatic aldehydes using potassium carbonate as base provides 1 3-dienes with good E-selectivity .

    本文报道了二苯基烯丙基型 盐与取代芳醛在碳酸钾作用下的固一液相转移催化 反应

  • A series of novel purpurin-18 imide derivatives with long absorption wavelength were synthesized through Wittig reaction of methyl pheophorbide-a.

    合成的一系列红紫素 -18酰亚胺衍生物具有长波长的紫外吸收。

  • Studies on Wittig Reaction ⅴ . Stereochemistry of Reaction of Benzylidene Alkyl Diphenyl Phosphorane with Substituted Aromatic Aldehydes

    Wittig 反应的研究&Ⅴ.亚苄基烷基二苯基膦与取代芳醛的反应

  • The yield of the Wittig reaction was raised from 61 % to 78 % .

    Wittig 反应的收率提高到78%, 文献为61%。

  • Recent advances in aza Wittig reaction including intermolecular intramolecular and tandem ones are reviewed . The application of the aza Wittig reactions in synthesis of some N heterocycles fused heterocycles and natural products are also discussed .

    综述了最近几年氮杂 Wittig 反应的研究进展,包括分子间氮杂Wittig 反应、分子内氮杂Wittig反应及串联的氮杂Wittig反应。

  • Synthesis of cis-jasmone by high stereoselective Wittig reaction with sodium bis ( trimethylsilyl ) amide as base

    六甲基二硅胺钠在 Wittig 反应合成高顺式茉莉酮中的应用

  • The modification of the classical Wittig reaction was reviewed .

    本文对改良的 Wittig 反应进行了综述,并讨论了 酯类 羰基 化合物 反应 各种 机理

  • In organic chemistry there are many name reactions . Wittig reaction and Diels-Alder reaction are very important reactions in organic synthesis .

    许多人名反应在有机化学中占有极其重要的地位,包括 Wittig 反应和Diels-Alder反应。