


  • Winsome will continue to improve technical content of its business while keep its present business advantage at the same time .


  • She is a winsome wee thing .

    她是一个 的小东西。

  • The government will support the market says a young man with a wispy beard and a winsome look .

    一名留着小胡子、 模样 可爱的年轻人说:政府会托市的。

  • Winsome means we display grace under pressure .

    在压力之下,我们表现出 风度

  • We are right in the Age of the Internet but virtual space cannot replace candid face-to-face exchanges and high-definition television cannot replace a real-life winsome smile .

    虽然我们已经进入了网络时代,但虚拟空间代替不了面对面的坦率交流,高清晰度的视频代替不了真实的 笑脸

  • A child in playing prank before its parents can be winsome but if a grown man does this it cannot but he distasteful .

    孩子对父母 撒娇可以 有趣若是 成人,便 未免有些不顺眼。

  • Winsome means we are cheerful when others attack us .

    当别人攻击我们时,我们 快乐

  • It 's that winsome smile of hers that makes me want to hit her .

    正是那 故作 天真的微笑使我想打她。

  • Winsome means we don 't lose our temper and say something stupid .

    乐观就是:我们从不发脾气, 从不说愚蠢的话。

  • Love – Ask God for a winsome loving spirit despite insults .

    爱&向神求 快活、爱灵魂、尽管受人侮辱。

  • An unexpected pleasure at football games that autumn was a view of winsome drum majorettes pumping their loins in a frenzy of excitement as thousands cheered .

    那年秋天,每当举行橄榄球赛时,常出现一种意想不到的乐事:那就是观看 迷人的乐队女队长发狂般地扭动着自己的腰部,引得成千上万的观众欢叫不已。

  • I love seeing your winsome smile but why do you unwilling to give me more ?

    好喜欢看着你 的笑靥,可,为啥你却不肯多给我一点?

  • Just then she opened her eyes and gave him a winsome smile .

    正好那时她睁开眼睛给了她一个 动人的微笑。

  • A winsome smile lass w_959


  • Winsome means we face life with a smile not a scowl .

    我们 微笑面对生活,而不是愤怒。