wing plane

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  • In images released to Hawaii News Now Puentes is seen clinging onto a wing of the aircraft . Another image shows other passengers holding on to plane debris to stay afloat .

    在《夏威夷今日新闻》发布的照片中,可以看到普恩特斯正试图爬上飞机 羽翼,另一张照片展现了其他乘客抓住 飞机残骸以免下沉的场景。

  • Another feature : customers can get married on the wing of the plane and reside in the plane 's more luxurious honeymoon suite situated in the cockpit .

    此外,入住旅馆的新婚夫妇可在 机翼上举行婚礼,并可入住设在驾驶员座舱的蜜月豪华套房。

  • Wing is the main lifting surface and a major component of a plane .

    机翼 飞机的主要升力面,是其主要部件之一。

  • A small parachute or articulated flap to reduce the speed of an aircraft . a flap on the underside of the wing that is lowered to slow the plane for landing .

    降低飞行器飞行速度的小降落伞或连接的副翼。低的为 飞机减速降落的在 飞机外边的 副翼

  • In order to validate the philosophy and software of supercritical wing design a training plane is refitted and its high lift system is redesigned .

    为进行超临界 机翼 设计技术的飞行验证,将某教练 改装为飞行验证机,为此必须进行增升装置的重新设计。

  • Design and Wind Tunnel Experimental Investigation of Middling Sweepback Wing Plane Parameter

    中等后掠 机翼 平面参数设计与实验研究

  • Most of the projects solve this problem by lift transfer that is to shift the lift from the main rotor in the helicopter model to the wing in the air plane model .

    目前大多数高速方案都采用升力转移来解决这一问题,即从直升机模式由旋翼承担升力过渡到 固定飞机模式由 机翼承担升力。

  • Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the enemy plane .

    我们的 机翼 固定机枪发出的子弹射入 敌机 机身

  • Calculation of the Aerodynamic Interaction between Rotor / Wing / Fuselage of Tilt-Rotor ; the sleek swept wings of the plane .

    倾转旋翼飞行器旋翼/ 机翼/机身气动干扰计算 飞机有后掠翼的圆滑的 机翼

  • Research on Rotor Technology for Rotor Wing Plane

    新概念旋转 机翼 飞机旋翼技术研究

  • Based on the wing of a type of light plane a method which establishes a reasonable and valid finite element model with APDL language in Ansys according to complicated structure characteristic is introduced .

    以某型轻型 飞机 机翼为例,讨论了在Ansys中如何根据复杂结构的结构特点,应用APDL语言,建立合理有效的有限元模型。

  • A stern-plane of submarine is generally comprised of one fore-fixed wing and one aft-turnable flap or control plane or rudder .

    潜艇尾操纵 形式上类似船用 襟翼舵,但实际上是一种不同的组合 舵。

  • A flap on the underside of the wing that is lowered to slow the plane for landing .

    低的为 飞机减速降落的在 飞机外边的 副翼

  • Just like landing a fixed wing plane model auto rotation is a very attractive maneuvor especially inverted auto .

    象飞固定 着陆一样,熄火着陆是很有吸引力的一个动作,特别是 倒飞熄火着陆。

  • The main reason for the corrosion occurrence in the major axles of the tail horizontal wing on certain plane could be ascribed to three aspects .

    以某系列 飞机 平尾大轴为例,其产生腐蚀的主要原因可归结于三方面。

  • High Lift System Design for a Supercritical Wing Flight Test Plane

    超临界 机翼飞行验证 的增升装置设计

  • On the basis of former rigid wing model and consideration of the velocity change and the distortion of wing plane a flapping model is developed .

    在原有匀速刚性模型的基础上,提出考虑了扑翼扑动速率变化和形状变化的柔性扑翼模型,使之更接近 鸟翼真实扑动情况。

  • The wing of the plane broke away in mid-air and the plane crashed .


  • Rapid Modeling of a Supercritical Airfoil ′ s Integral Wing Plane Panels Based on Feature Mapping

    基于特征映射的超临界 机翼整体壁板板坯快速建模技术研究

  • The wing of the plane suddenly broke away when it was landing .

    飞机着陆时 机翼突然脱落。

  • Orville lay on the bottom wing of his plane and started the engine .

    奥维尔卧在这 飞行器的底 上然后发动引擎。

  • The influence of the trailing vortex on the flight safety of wing plane


  • The wing of the plane broke off in midair and the plane crashed .


  • 277 . Twice the twin king wins the winter swinging under the wing of the plane .

    277.孪生国王两次赢得冬季 机翼下的荡秋千赛。

  • The fighter planes flying in formation one by one peeled off to left and right . a flap on the underside of the wing that is lowered to slow the plane for landing .

    编队飞行的战斗机一架地向左右两边飞离编队。低的为 飞机减速降落的在 飞机外边的 副翼

  • Wing Commander Green has been there before & and not only in a fighter plane .

    皇家空军 中校格林以前曾经历过,不仅仅是驾驶 战斗机

  • Finally for easing the weight of the plane wing to carry on the plane wing structure excellent turn .

    最后了减轻 机翼的重量对 机翼结构进行优化。

  • Rotor wing plane is a new concept of aircraft and is the combination of rotor aircraft and fixed wing aircraft .

    旋转 机翼 飞机是一种新概念飞行器,是旋翼飞行器和固定翼飞行器的结合。

  • The plane can be seen veering sharply with the wing striking a vehicle and barrier on the plane 's descent .

    可以看到,这架飞机突然偏离航向,在下降时, 机翼撞击一辆车以及 桥栏

  • This paper presents a numerical solution of unsteady supersonic flows for sideslipping wings by means of the characteristic lines network method of unsteady supersonic sources distributed on the wing plane .

    本文利用分布在 机翼 平面 的非定常超音速点源的特征线网格法给出非定常超音速侧滑机翼的数值解。