wild man

[waɪld mæn][waild mæn]


  • The project aims to put the wild man of Shennongjia on screen for the world to see .

    这个电影项目的最终目标,是通过这部电影将“神农架”和“ 野人”推向世界。

  • He will be a wild donkey of a man ; his hand will be against everyone and everyone 's hand against him and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers .

    他为 必象 野驴。他的手要攻打人,人的手也要攻打他;他必住在众弟兄的东边。

  • No wild man will ever find that 'I said to myself .

    没有 野人能够找到它,我对自己说。

  • You 're a real wild man at that wheel there .

    你在车上真 狂野

  • According to Foucault madness is the wild form of expression of man 's primitive desire .

    福柯认为,疯癫是 人类最原始欲望的 野性表现。

  • While Crouching Boy in Mirror which reflects a piece called Wild Man also caught the eye .

    镜子外的这件作品名为“下蹲的男孩”,镜子里还映射出另一件作品&“ 野人

  • Slowly he moved nearer to me but just then the first wild man began to get up from the ground .

    他慢慢地向我靠近,但这时第一个 野人开始从地上爬起来。

  • At this point it 's OK to be a wild man .

    差不多的时候就要做好 野蛮 男人

  • Then I made him a little tent to sleep in but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me . Per - haps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night .

    然后我给他搭了一座小帐篷睡觉,但一连几个星期我总是带枪睡觉,或许因为星期五还是一个 野人,也许 会在夜里杀了我。

  • The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man .

    过去的那位摇滚 狂人已经改变形象,成了一位体面的爱家的男人。

  • Unlike the stories within foreign showbiz advertisement they are very natural and flowing freely with clear logic relation . In the presence of nature a wild delight runs through the man in spite of real sorrows .

    不像外国影视广告中的故事,很自然,很流畅,有顺理成章的逻辑关系。他们置身自然,任一 狂喜在全身流畅,真正的痛楚 逃遁无形。

  • He 's got to look like a wild man before he can scare those pesky seed-guzzling fruit-pecking crows .

    他得让自己看起来像个 野蛮 才能吓怕那些烦人的,爱吃粮食和啄食果子的乌鸦们。

  • But an empty-headed man acquires intelligence When the foal of a wild ass is born as a man .

    12头脑空洞的人能得知识,那便是 野驴的驹子生得像 了。

  • The wild young man had found himself changed into a very happy and oBedient husBand .

    这个 粗野 放荡的年轻 变成了一个无忧无虑、百依百顺的丈夫。

  • The wild deer which the old man caught and is tamed in the park is qualified property .

    老人捕获的在园中驯养的 野鹿属有限财产。

  • Thus the man gave names to all cattle to the birds of heaven and to every wild animal ; but for the man himself no partner had yet been found .

    这样,人就给所有的牲畜、飞禽和 走兽定了名,但是这 男人自己仍然没有伴侣。

  • His fictional characters-the cokehead wild - man producer the celebrity exercise man ( Wall Street Journal )

    他小说里的人物&瘾君子、 野人制造者、名人塑造者(华尔街期刊)

  • Perhaps they thought I was a wild man myself in my strange home & made clothes of animals ' skins and with my long hair and beard .

    可能会认为我 这个穿着用动物皮毛自制的古怪衣服,长长的头发和胡须的 是个 野人

  • The boy thought this a good game and threw his apple in again and the wild man threw it back and so they continued for some time .

    小男孩觉得这个游戏真是有趣极了,他把他的金苹果又丢进笼子里去,而 矮人也再次将它丢出来,就这样,他们反覆玩了几次。

  • The West Wind looked like a wild man but he had on a sort of padded hat that he might not be hurt .

    西风看起来像个 野蛮 ,不过他倒是戴了一顶加垫的帽子,这样比较不会受到伤害。

  • In Kant this universality goes so far that the wild man of the woods man in the state of nature and the bourgeois are all contained in the same definition and have the same fundamental qualities .

    在康德的思想中这种普遍性是如此的广泛,以致森林中的 野人,即还处于原始状态中的人,以及布尔乔亚阶级的人都包括到这同样的定义中去,而且具有相同的基本性质。

  • I declare you 're a wild man Bob Hearn .

    我说你真是蛮子, 鲍勃·候恩

  • He 's a wild man this kid clarence . I like him .

    克拉伦斯这小子是个 莽汉,我喜欢他。

  • When all was ready the king had the wild man fetched and placed him in the cage and took the keys himself .

    当这个笼子做好了时,国王便将 矮人关进去笼子里,然后将钥匙随身携带保管。

  • After the King left one day the boy in his wanderings about the palace came to the wild man 's cage and sat down close by it playing with his golden apple .

    在国王离开皇宫后的某一天,王子独自在皇宫内闲逛,不知不觉他来到关著小 矮人的笼子旁,他靠著笼子倚 而坐,手上把玩著一颗金色的苹果。

  • Benedict had been a wild boy and a quarrelsome young man .

    贝内迪克特小时候 野性难驯,年轻时又爱与 争吵。

  • Feliks was wild with rage that the man should try to stop him eating .

    这个 家伙不让他吃东西,费利克斯 狂怒了。

  • He commanded his followers to keep a watch over the wild man so that he might not escape and then returned to his palace .

    他命令他的随从看紧这个 野人,不让他有任何机会逃走,然后他便回到皇宫去。

  • But while he belied Arthur 's description and appeared a gentle lamb rather than a wild man he was racking his brains for a course of action .

    但是,在他使亚瑟的话落空,以温驯的羔羊而不是 野蛮 的形象出现时,他却在绞尽脑汁思考着行动的办法。

  • In the presence of nature a wild delight runs through the man in spite of real sorrows .

    自然当前时, 奔腾的喜悦传便 全身,尽管可能他正身处现实的 苦境