


  • Some primary advice of reducing vibration are advanced which offer a basis for improving the level of fault diagnosis in the woodworker by using the dynamic measurement method .

    提出了主要的减振整改建议,为采用动态法提高 木工 机械 状态 监测与故障监测水平提供了依据。

  • Study on Vibration Characters of Woodworker Flat Planer

    木工平刨床振动特征的 试验研究

  • The work efficiency and the dimensional accuracy of scribing of the woodworker can be raised and the work can be reduced .

    可提高 木工划线工作效率和尺寸精确度并能减轻劳动。

  • Involve your woodworker early in the design and selection process .

    用于你的 木工 工作的早期设计和选材过程。

  • A Glimpse of the 10th International Woodworker and Furniture Material Fair Beijing

    第十届北京国际 木工 机械及家具材料展一瞥

  • A woodworker can join a chest together without resort to nails or glue .

    木工无需钉子或胶水就能 打造一个箱子。

  • Therefore what woodworker factories and furniture factories are looking forward to is that there could be economical manufactures of CNC Routing which not only content the request of processing precision but also produce in batch to satisfy market requirement .

    因此 能有 价格适宜的经济型数控镂铣产品,既能满足加工精度的要求,又能形成经济批量,满足市场的需求,这 无疑 广大 木工及家具生产厂家所渴望的。

  • A woodworker who specializes in making furniture . The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork .

    专门研究家具制造的 木工。木材被制成精细的家具。

  • Air act tool Air act whip Granule Product transportation Woodworker equipment ;

    气动工具、气动搅拌 喷砂 颗粒 产品输送 木工设备;

  • Recalling the talented woodworker the finest tools are useless without the creative application of a trained and talented artisan .

    回到 前面 木工 上,如果没有天赋和相关的培训,最好的工具也没有用处。

  • If a saw blade is not as sharp as it ideally should be the tool and the woodworker will have to work harder to complete the desired task .

    如果锯条没有很锋利的话, 木工就要 花费更大的力气去完成工作。

  • During welding it should not be involved with the work of oil paint spray paint and woodworker at the same time .

    焊割 操纵不准与油漆、喷漆、 木工易燃 操纵同部位 同时间、上下 交叉作业。

  • Many a woodworker has lost fingers ( or worse ) by forgetting this simple but very important rule .

    很多 木工 就是 因为忘记这个简朴而重要的规则而失去了手指,或 出现 其他更严峻的 事故