word picture

[wɚd ˈpɪktʃɚ][wə:d ˈpiktʃə]


  • Character of the structure of a single word as a whole . 1.1 picture elements of its composition together form the vocabulary of the font space .

    单个汉字的结构一个 是一个整体。,一点一 是其构成元素,共同构成单字的字体空间。

  • For example if you are learning new vocabulary create a word map describe a picture make a list and study that type out the words five times . All of these methods together help to reinforce your learning .

    比如,如果你在学新单词,画一个 单词图,描绘一 图片,做个列表然后再学习,打五次单词,所有这些方法都能促进你的学习。

  • Please enter here the word as displayed in the picture .

    请输入 图片中显示的 字母

  • The semantic tests involved five tasks : ① auditory word / picture matching ;

    语义测验共设计需要语义系统参与完成的5个任务:①听觉 / 匹配;

  • Based on practice this paper introduces several methods of translation between Word text format and Word picture format .

    基于实践,介绍了 Word文本与 图片格式互相转化的几种方法。

  • The film has some problem with its synchronization of word and picture .

    这部电影在 声音 画面配合方面有问题。

  • The Research on ERP Differences of Chinese Word Processing and Picture Processing

    汉语 词汇加工和 图片加工的ERP差异研究

  • Match the word with the picture .


  • He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset .

    他对南太平洋上的日落作了 生动 逼真的描写。

  • Mondrian is undoubtedly have a significant impact on ding yi of the artist the use of the ten word and the first ten word picture in the combination of color piece with obvious admiration of mondrian .

    蒙德里安无疑是对 丁乙有着重大影响的艺术家,十字的运用和第一 十字作品里色块的组合,都带着明显的对蒙德里安的敬仰。

  • In the comparison between the direct and indirect tests the priming rate and timesaving rate didn 't differ in the word or picture stimuli .

    直接测验和间接测验的比较显示,无论是汉 还是 图形材料,启动效率与省时率差异均无显著性。

  • This is the only region of the entire brain that is more active when you choose an emotion word for the picture than when you choose a name for the picture he said .

    当人们为 图片选择一个情绪 词汇时,右外腹前额皮层是唯一一个比选择人名时活跃的脑部区域。

  • I do believe it is possible to create even without ever writing a word or painting a picture by simply molding one 's inner life .

    我的确相信有可能创造,甚至从未写一个 或划一 ,就只简单地以自己内在的生命为模型。

  • Now ask children to come to the board and stick word cards next to each picture .

    现在要求学生们到黑板前来并将 单词卡片贴在与之相应的 图片旁边。

  • The performance of patients with PD was significantly worse in picture recognition digit span word recall picture reproduction orientation memory span recognition free recall everyday memory explicit memory than that of normal controls .

    PD组在图画再认、数字广度、 回忆、 图形再生、经历定向等分测验和记忆广度、再认记忆、自由回忆、日常记忆、外显记忆等记忆因子上均显著低于对照组;

  • When most of us hear the word chocolate we picture a bar a box of bonbons or a bunny .

    大多数人听到巧克力 这个 时,就会 联想到一条巧克力棒、一盒奶油夹心巧克力糖,或一只巧克力兔子。

  • Draw three things and write their English word under each picture .

    任意 三种东西,并在下面写上英语 文章来。

  • Several Methods of Translation Between Word Text Format and Word Picture Format

    Word文本与 图片格式互相转化的几种方法

  • The mark may be a word picture or design .

    商标可以是一个 或者设计。

  • On the other hand the word picture used in the article has certain difference with drawing chart used by most people in meaning .

    文中所用 图画与很多人所使用的 图像、图画在意义上会有一定的差别。

  • Meanwhile a series of electronic document operation with complex labor and work ( TXT WORD PDF ) WORD file processing and picture information processing are brought about .

    与此同时,带来了一系列电子文档操作(TXT文档、WORD文档、PDF文档)、 WORD 文字处理、 图片信息处理等大量繁琐复杂的工作。

  • Multi-media computer technology can combine figure word sound picture and cartoon organically and display the effect synthetically .

    多媒体计算机技术,能将数字、 文字、声音、 图像、动画有机地结合在一起,并能将结果综合地表现出来。

  • Between word and picture in picture features and more .


  • Using Visual Basic as developing language the paper illustrates principles and procedure design for automatically importing picture files of different format into word to form a picture base by using Activex .

    本文用VISUALBASIC作为开发语言,介绍了用ActiveX部件技术将各种不同格式的 图形、图像文件自动导入到 word中生成 图库的原理和程序设计方法。

  • The key point is that the pronunciation of the phoneme presented earlier may be the picture of Chinese pronunciation of naming the first letter of the word rather than picture naming the first letter of the word pronunciation in English .

    实验中关键的一点是前面呈现的音素的发音可能是图片汉语命名 首字母的发音,而不是 图片英语命名词首字母的发音。

  • In picture most wonderful word scenery in the picture the scenery righteousness principle is only profound but the interest is infinite .

    画中最妙 山水, 画中惟山水义理深远,而意趣无穷。

  • He is always true to his word and focused on the big picture .

    他总是遵守 诺言,以 大局为重。

  • In fact one Pokemon character was repeatedly paired with positive words and images ( like the word excellent or a picture of a sundae ) .

    实际上,有一个口袋妖怪的角色每次都是和正面的词汇或者图像一起出现(比如 棒极了”或者是 圣像)。

  • This article discusses the practical role played by medical art in medicinal packing and decoration from the three following factors of word picture and color .

    本文从 文字画面和色彩三个方面,论述了医学美术在药品包装装潢设计中的作用。

  • Advertisement in the time of electron creats cultural image of advertisement by advertising word picture and atmosphere .

    电子时代的广告,要借助广告 画面、氛围来塑造广告文化形象。