word of limitation

[wɚd ʌv ˌlɪmɪˈteʃən][wə:d ɔv ˌlimiˈteiʃən]

[法] 限制性的词句

  • Question after analysis displays in a certain location the word size of character is not big enough due to the limitation of the screen . Gesture function used in this software which support enlarge and lessen the interface and slide interface .

    题目经过解析,在规定视图内显示,由于iPhone设备屏幕的 限制字体一般较小,软件在界面中增加手势功能,支持放大、缩小、滑动界面等功能。

  • In another word the essence of the claim for damage compensation is the limitation of legal personality and limited liability .

    损害赔偿请求权的本质即在一定 意义上来说是对公司法律人格和有限责任的一定 限制

  • In a word the assumption of the economist has its rationality but also its limitation . It may serve as reference in our theoretical study and actual development of socialist market economy .

    经济 假定具有一定的合理性,但也有 局限 ,对于我们研究社会主义市场经济理论和发展社会主义市场经济具有一定的参考价值。