work camp

[wɚk kæmp][wə:k kæmp]


  • If he has any work experience at all it is as a counselor in a summer camp ; or maybe he has sold subscriptions to the Saturday evening post .

    就算他们有 工作经验,也只不过是在夏 令营当过顾问;或者卖过订阅的《周六晚邮报》(SaturdayEveningPost)。

  • So the23-year-old guard from Slovenia hit the gym and the court and carried his tireless work ethic from training camp into the regular season .

    因此这位来自斯洛文尼亚23岁的后卫在健身房和训练场上非常刻苦地 训练,另外他还把他 训练 时那种 刻苦的精神带到了常规赛。

  • How do you work with so many animals and not get overly attached to them ? Specialist McKinzie Baker CAMP TAJI IRAQ .

    你是如何做到以动物为 工作、却不 过分与他们接触的?

  • Damien Duff and William Gallas were under treatment as work continued to get them fit for the Nou Camp tomorrow .

    达夫和加拉正在接受治疗以使他们能在明天 诺坎普的比赛中上场。

  • Rather than work out and prove his worth in training camp Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo ! Sports reports that McGrady is in the process of finalizing an agreement with Qingdao of the Chinese Basketball Association .

    据雅虎体育记者Adrian Wojnarowski的报道,麦迪不想再通过训练 来证明他自己的价值,他选择了中国篮球联赛(CBA)的青岛队,他们之间的合同很快就会敲定。

  • Back to school after I seriously study hard like the soldiers as bear hardships and stand hard work I won 't forget this last camp life .

    回到学校后我会认真努力地学习,像军人一样 吃苦耐劳,我不会忘记这最后一次 军营生活。

  • For the system to work smoothly leaders in cities must also work to strictly enforce penalties for cars that camp out in bus lanes .

    为了保证这个系统的顺畅运行,城市管理者们还 必须对那些 侵占公交车专用道路的汽车予以严惩。

  • At the age of 15 he was drafted into a mobile work camp a team that travelled around China 's remote south-western regions installing electricity generation infrastructure .

    15岁时,他被编入 劳改队,到中国偏远的西南地区安装发电设施。

  • His father was imprisoned in a Nazi work camp .

    他的父亲被囚禁在纳粹 集中

  • Of course since they can 't go into a summer work camp there 's always the United States Marines .

    当然,因为他们没法去 那里,不过总还有美国海军陆战队。

  • The highest one was a pioneering work of a camp gate with flag post .

    最高的先锋 工程,是设有旗杆的 门。

  • In this work a series of theoretical methods were employed to investigate the none-enzymatic and enzymatic hydrolysis of intracellular second messenger adenosine 3 ' 5 ' - cyclic monophosphate ( cAMP ) and related phosphodiesters .

    本文运用理论化学方法研究了细胞内二级信使&腺苷3′,5′-磷酸单酯( cAMP)及相关磷酸二酯的非酶水解和酶催化水解。

  • The Educational Process Applied with Group Social Work Method on the Misdeed Students : Take a Reform School 's Summer Camp as an Example

    小组社会 工作方法运用于行为不良学生教育过程研究&以某工读学校的夏 令营为例

  • The dock workers ' union is still to discuss a full return to work with the subcontractors who directly employ them and the camp remained outside Cheung Kong yesterday .

    代表码头工人的工会仍要与直接雇佣工人的分包商讨论完全 复工事宜,长江集团中心大楼外的 帐篷截至昨日还未撤

  • Work with CCM in Singapore and Malaysia in youth camp and care ministry .

    与新马中信「青年品格塑造 」及「全人关怀团队」事工 配搭