work hours

[经] 工作时间

  • I have told you several times not to use the office phone for private affairs during the work hours .

    我已多次告诉你, 上班 时间不能用公家的电话办私事。

  • No one in this workshop uses work hours to do private jobs .

    这个车间里没有人利用 上班 时间干私活。

  • 31 . Cut back on caffeine and sugar during work hours

    31.在 工作 时间减少咖啡因和糖的摄入

  • For example many of us use a time management system to record our work hours .

    例如,我们当中的许多人都使用一种时间管理系统来记录我们的 工作 时间

  • Requiring work hours that are longer than the permitted maximum average in2007 of203.4 hours a month ;

    要求工人 工作 时间比劳动法规定的最长时间还要长,2007年的平均月 工作 时间达到203.4小时;

  • We hare flexible work hours during the summer .

    我们在夏季的 工作 时间有弹性。

  • Our summary of existing research shows that job insecurity increases the odds of reporting poor physical health by about 50 % high job demands raise the odds of having a physician-diagnosed illness by 35 % and long work hours increases mortality by approximately 20 % .

    我们总结现有研究后发现,工作不安全感使劳动者报告身体健康不佳的可能性提高了约50%,高工作要求使患有医师诊断疾病的几率提高了35%,长 工作 时间使死亡的可能性提高了20%。

  • And since he arrived at seven and left between six and seven those were the work hours .

    并且,从早上七点到晚上六点或七点,是 老板 时间,也是 工作 时间

  • The revival or passage of state laws limiting the daily or weekly work hours of women conveniently accomplished this .

    恢复或通过限制妇女每天或每周 工作 时间的州法律,很容易地就实现了上述的目标。

  • When socializing after work hours do not bring up the subject of work .


  • Over the eight years we built IronPort many of our single employees got married had kids and wanted the current income benefits lighter work hours and increased stability of a larger company .

    在我们打造IronPort的这8年期间,很多单身员工结了婚,生了孩子,也希望能从大型公司中拿到和现在一样的收入,福利以及更少的 工作 时间和更稳定的 工作

  • I 'm looking for something that 's challenging but also with flexible work hours .

    我想找有挑战性, 工作 时间灵活的 工作

  • The value entered exceeds the maximum allowed value for work hours per day .

    输入的值超出每天 工作 时间所允许的最大值。

  • Work hours were more predictable even as the team hit key milestone dates which improved morale and reduced tension between the developers and the other teams working on the project .

    工作 时间的预测性更强,即使团队到达了关键日期,这提高了士气并减少了开发人员与处理该项目的其他团队之间的压力。

  • Others want to battle hunger during long work hours or avoid sodium and additives found in many packaged foods .

    还有一些人想通过少吃多餐减轻长 时间 工作 的饥饿感,或者避免摄入许多预包装食品中的钠和添加剂。

  • But I ` m not talking about your normal visits during work hours .

    工作 时间,正常访问社交网站并不是我要谈论的内容。

  • A : I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening .

    A: 工作 时间我在办公室,晚上我在家,你们都能找到我。

  • Work hours and productivity change with the times


  • Not all testing will be done during normal work hours so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment .

    并非所有测试都将在正常 工作 时间中进行,因此要预先为测试时间甚至专用的测试设备做好计划和预算。

  • Since the1950s productivity gains have not translated into fewer work hours .

    50年代以来,生产率的提高并没有转化成 工时的减少。

  • Use the scheduleonlyduringworkhours parameter to specify whether to allow meetings to be scheduled outside work hours .

    使用scheduleonlyduringworkhours参数可指定是否允许在 工作 时间之外安排会议。

  • M : I don 't like it . I am not used to this kind of9 to5 work hours .

    M:我不喜欢,我对这种朝九晚五的 工作 时间很不习惯。

  • Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours .

    另外还有数百万人因 工作 时间过长而睡眠严重不足。

  • You might want to think twice before making another personal call during work hours .

    上班 时间打私人电话可得三思而后行了。

  • The company 's staff has flexible work hours .

    该公司的员工有弹性的 工作 时间

  • Yeah sure I was wondering what are the work hours ?

    我对 工作 安排感到疑惑。

  • Ask what the boss expects of employees when it comes to work hours and responding to email .

    也可以询问上司对员工 工作 时间和回复邮件时间的期望。