work schedule

[wɚk ˈskɛdʒul][wə:k ˈʃedju:əl]


  • I draw up a work schedule .

    我定了一个 工作 计划

  • If your employer offers a flexible work schedule take advantage of it to fit your own work style .

    如果你老板提供了弹性的 工作 时间,那么利用这个优势来适应你的工作风格。

  • So I make it a priority whatever the weather or my work schedule .

    因此无论什么天气, 工作 安排怎样,健身都是我第一件会做的事。

  • Exhibitors are requested to coordinate with the Standfitting contractor and freight forwarder for their work schedule .

    参展商请自行与承建商和货运公司协调 工作 安排

  • In response to the plan we change our work schedule and habit .

    为了响应计划,我们改变了 工作 时间 工作习惯。

  • He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug

    他声称繁重的 工作 安排使他不得不依靠服药来维持精力。

  • The notice said that companies should reasonably arrange work schedule to ensure employees'rest during the hot days .

    通知要求,企业在高温天气要合理安排 工作 时间,保证员工休息。

  • He planned his work schedule for the following month .

    他为下个月制定了 工作 日程表

  • Despite his hectic work schedule Benny has rarely suffered poor health

    尽管 工作 繁忙,本尼却少有身体不好的时候。

  • Is it true that you have a heavy work schedule ?

    你的 工作 时间表是不是很繁重啊?

  • MARY BETH : Of all the shows I 've done this one has the shortest work schedule .

    玛丽·贝思:在我所演过的戏中,这部戏的 工作 日程最短。

  • To know GPS 's function and its limitations is absolutely as necessary as having a reasonable work schedule .

    同熟悉GPS的功能和局限性一样,公道的 安排 工作 计划也是非常必要的。

  • I am painfully aware that staff have a heavy work schedule .

    我非常清楚员工们 工作 繁重

  • A9-to-5 work schedule provides enough time to relax .

    一个9-to-5 工作 时间表提供足够的时间休息。

  • I should have left a message here right after the concert * but my work schedule has begun .

    我本来想在演唱 会后响应你们的留言,但我的 工作真的很多。

  • B : If you need to come in late you can set up flexible work schedule .

    B:如果你需要晚来的话,可以定一个弹性的 工作 时间表

  • He was back in the office updating the work schedule on the computer

    他已回到办公室,正在电脑上更新 工作 日程

  • His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances .

    他的 工作 日程表上还包括演讲安排和在其他公开场合的露面。

  • His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs

    异常紧张的 工作 安排使他开始吸毒。

  • Put this item on our daily work schedule .

    把这项 工作 提到 议事日程 上来

  • A : Can I see the work schedule for next week ?

    我能看看下星期的 日程表吗?

  • Materials and work schedule

    材料和 工作 日程 安排

  • Flexible in work schedule ; able to accommodate unexpected work changes .

    适应灵活的 工作 安排和变化。

  • Adjustment to this work schedule for testing and other special operations will be made as required .

    对于测试和其他特殊作业,须按照规定对此 工作 时间表机做出调整。

  • This helps to reduce the amount of time involved in entering the work schedule arrangements valid in your company .

    这可以帮助减少你公司在 工作 计划安排的输入。

  • I will never think of my life or my work schedule as too hard .

    我将不再认为我的生活和 工作辛苦

  • Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI 's punishing work schedule

    凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的 工作 日程 安排

  • It turned out that I had to baby-sit him during the day due to his parents work schedule .

    他的父母因为 工作的关系,所以变成我必须在白天当他的 褓姆

  • Planning-Define a strategy to develop and deliver a project plan calculate overall and detailed sizing define a work schedule and establish milestones for major checkpoints .

    计划&定义项目战略,包括开发和交付项目计划、计算总规模和各个部分的规模、定义 工作 进度 和为主要检查点建立里程碑。