work space

[wɚk spes][wə:k speis]


  • Make over your work space .

    整理你的 工作 空间

  • Take Pride in Your Work Space .

    为你的 工作 空间自豪。

  • This is a kind of language that the machine use to move on the coordinates over the work space .

    这是一种语言使用的机器上提出了 工作 空间的坐标。

  • Photo of work space .

    工作 的照片。

  • How much does this work space reflect that attitude ?

    问:这个 工作 空间从多大程度上反映了那种态度?

  • Now that she has associated the physical model with the GSDB connection in this work space however she should not need to do this activity again .

    她已经在该 工作 空间中将物理模型与GSDB连接关联起来,不过,她不需要再次执行该活动。

  • A pretty pot plant might make work space feel more personal but new research has revealed that office plants do so much more as they can help staff be more creative and productive which could ultimately result in promotion .

    一个漂亮的盆栽可能会让 工作 空间更个性化,但新的研究表明办公室植物的功效更多,因为他们可以让员工更有创造性和效率,最终会带来升职。

  • Working memory is the mental work space that allows the brain to juggle multiple thoughts simultaneously .

    工作记忆是大脑的 工作 空间,能让大脑同时在多种想法间跳跃。

  • Everyone in my office is allotted a large work space .

    我们办公室的每个人都分配到了一个很大的 工作 空间

  • This type of environment represents a private work space and is sometimes referred to as a sandbox .

    此类环境表示私有 工作 ,有时称为沙盒。

  • A virtual team is one whose members don 't share a physical work space but work together on specific or long-term projects using communication technology .

    虚拟团队指的是成员没有共同的 办公 地点,而是利用通讯技术进行合作,完成某个项目或长期合作的团队。

  • Typically user data includes but is not limited to configuration files deployed applications log files temporary work space and so on .

    通常情况下,用户数据包括配置文件、部署的应用程序、日志文件和临时 工作 等,但是并不局限于这些。

  • To my teachers I wish them a happy new year and can be healthy in the coming year and of course a smooth work space and many outstanding harvests !

    对我的老师,我希望他们能有个愉快的新年,并且能在新的一年里身体健康,当然,也希望他们有轻松的 工作 环境和更多的优秀的 工作成果!

  • Then set you timer for a 15 minute break where you get away from your work space if possible .

    再把计时器设为15分钟,在这段时间内休息一下,有可能的话还可以离开 工作

  • The work space should be large enough and clear of obstacles around the machine .

    注意不要在机床周围放置障碍物, 工作 空间应足够大。

  • Some looked for behavior : Is your work space messy or neat ?

    一些问题看起来针对的是 员工 做事方式:你的 工作 环境混乱还是整洁?

  • Make sure you have enough work space then roll out the wrapping paper .

    纸一定要足够大得 下整个礼物。

  • The work space is a bare and cavernous warehouse .

    工作 场地是个空荡荡的大仓库。

  • In addition you will learn how to reduce clutter in the work space by maximizing the work space in various editors and how to use the filtering options to filter out unnecessary artifacts .

    另外,您将了解如何通过在各种编辑器中最大化工作空间来减少 工作 空间中的杂乱现象,以及如何使用过滤选项来过滤掉不必要的工件。

  • Our work space is a constant bombardment of influences both positive and negative from the physical environment the people in it and our own self-confidence .

    我们的 工作 空间不断受到各种因素的影响,即有好的也有坏的。这些影响来自实际环境、环境中的每个人以及我们的自信。

  • Here are a few tips to get you on your way to a cleaner work space .

    下面这份指南可以让你的 办公 空间变得更加整洁。

  • The Garage has ample storage and work space .

    车库里有足够的存储和 工作 空间

  • This might be due to log files installation of software temporary work space or simply because someone copies big files into one of the rootvg file systems .

    这可能是因为日志文件、软件安装、临时 工作 空间,或者仅仅因为有人将一些大文件复制到一个rootvg文件系统中所导致的。

  • The fully enclosed-safety work space design the protection function good insure the machine accuracy and service life .


  • Get up from your desk or work space .

    离开你的办公桌或 办公 区域

  • Adding file cabinets under a low shelf and wire shelving above turns a boring linen closet into a clever and inexpensive work space .

    在一个低的架子下添加文件柜,在架子上走线,让一个令人厌的亚麻橱柜变成一个聪明的和便宜的 工作 环境

  • If your eyes feel relieved your work space is too bright .

    如果这时候你的眼睛感到放松,那么你的 办公 空间就太明亮了。

  • It 's on a hill it has a work space .

    在山上,有一件 工作室

  • Make sure your work space is comfortable and well suited to your daily needs in the office .

    确保你的 工作 场所舒适,适应每天的需求。