work up

[wɚk ʌp][wə:k ʌp]


  • You will learn a new skill and work up a sweat at the same time .

    这样的话,你在 辛勤 流汗的同时也学会 一项新技能。

  • You need to work up an appetite first then well go to the buffet .

    你得先让 自己饿 饥肠辘辘,然后我们再去吃自助餐。

  • It was around seven when I finished at the library . I wasn 't hungry but I 'd worked up a thirst .

    我从图书馆 出来时大约是7点。我不饿,但是觉得口渴。

  • Your creative talents can also be put to good use if you can work up the energy

    如果你能 自己精力充沛 起来,你的创作才能也能得到很好的发挥。

  • This is more work up front but it means that Capistrano can later manage the server quite easily .

    这需要事先做更多的 操作,但是它意味 Capistrano之后可以更快速简单地管理这个服务器。

  • Work up to progress gradually to gradual improvement or growth or development .


  • Since I was a kid if I don 't run around or play a sport and work up a sweat I get antsy . If I go a few days without exercise I have a hard time focusing .

    从小时候起,如果不到处跑,如果不参加体育 活动一身汗,我就会坐立不安。如果有几天不运动,我就难以集中精力。

  • It took the company some years to work up so good a market .

    公司经营了几年终于发展 这么好的市场。

  • This medicine will work up an appetite .

    这种药有 开胃 作用

  • Well heres another reason to work up a sweat : Exercise tightens the skin on your entire body .

    还有个足够让你运动到 大汗淋漓的原因:运动能拉紧整个身体的皮肤。

  • One night however our vicar work up with a start : the clock was striking the hours !

    一天夜里,我们的牧师突然被 惊醒了,大钟又在“打点” 报时了!

  • We 're going to have to work up a list of obvious possible targets .

    我们 列一张最可能受到打击的目标清单。

  • Don 't just lie there working yourself up do something about it .

    不要光躺在那儿 生气,要做点儿什么。

  • Can 't work up much enthusiasm for the chess match .

    对象棋比赛 什么兴致。

  • They asked me to work up some sample drawings and bring them down .

    他们请我 一些 样图带过去。

  • I 'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here

    我已经暗示要在这里举办一次他的 作品展。

  • You may want to begin simply and then work up to more complex configurations .

    可以从简单的 开始,然后逐渐进行复杂的配置。

  • You can really work up a sweat doing housework

    家务真的会 人大汗淋漓。

  • I frown at the page and try to work up my nerve annoyed with my mother and National Geographic for reminding me how lucky I am .

    对着这页纸皱着眉头,我努力 克服 自己的紧张心理,同时非常恼火妈妈和《国家地理》,他们总是提醒我我有多幸运。

  • I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan

    我画出店的布局草图, 拟订 一份商业计划。

  • Malcolm worked up the nerve to ask Grandma Rose for some help .

    马尔科姆 鼓起勇气请罗丝奶奶帮点忙。

  • I can 't work up any enthusiasm for his decision .

    我不 怎么喜欢他的决定。

  • Over time work up to exercising on most days of the week for30-60 minutes .

    随着时间的推移,一周的大部分天数 您可以 锻炼30-60分钟。

  • Despite all his efforts he could not work up any enthusiasm for the scheme .

    尽管他做了很大的努力,他仍然未能 激起支持这一计划的热情。

  • Work up a list of the photographers we checked in this morning .


  • I 'm finally able to work up a head of steam about my new project after the long vacation .

    经过一个长假后我终于能 自己的新项目 出个 头绪来。

  • She worked herself up into a bit of a state

    她把自己弄 有点儿紧张。

  • Break your work up into chunks .

    把你的 工作 为几小块。

  • I am trying to work up influence with the department .

    我正在想办法对 部里的人施 加点影响。

  • So start with 1-2 things per week and work up from there .

    所以每周改变一两件 从这开始。