word rest

[wɚd rɛst][wə:d rest]

[机] 工作件挟器

  • The word on the street was that it involved travel for the wealthy few and pretty much nothing for the rest of us .

    从前,间隔年被 看做 少数富人的旅行,很少与我们有关。

  • Then we played a game of Charades where one student demonstrates the word without talking and the rest of the class tries to guess the word .

    我们还玩了“动作 猜字游戏”,一个学生只通过做动作,描述单词, 其他的学生根据动作猜词。

  • For example if you change a word in a multiline comment the CDT analyzes the partition containing the comment and not the rest of the code .

    例如,如果要在多行注释中改变一个 单词,CDT只分析包含了注释的分区,而不分析 其余代码。

  • There was no need for him to say another word ; Harry understood the rest of the plan immediately .

    不用他再说一个 ,哈利立刻明白了 整个计划。

  • When you 've had about a minute to relax think the word rest .

    当你想了大约一分钟的放松后,想着 休息 这个

  • In most cases the definition is correct but using the word is repetitive when put in context with the rest of the sentence .

    在多数情况下,这个 单词的定义是正确的;但是,如果把 单词放到 字里行间就显得重复了。

  • We sometimes express with the word partner ! This means that we 're going to be with each other for the rest of our life and it becomes like lifetime roommate .

    有时我们用 伴侣」来形容另 一半,是因为我们将会和这个人相处 生,是一辈子的「室友」。

  • The burden of the word of the LORD in the land of Hadrach and Damascus shall be the rest thereof : when the eyes of man as of all the tribes of Israel shall be toward the LORD .

    耶和华的默示 应验哈得拉地,大马士革(世人和以色列各支派的眼目都仰望耶和华)。

  • This makes reading difficult for me because by the time I 've looked up the word in my dictionary I 've forgotten what the rest of the sentence was about .

    这样就很难读下去,因为等到我在字典里查到某 生词时,我已经把这句话的 其他 部分忘了。

  • If you can prove that refactoring makes sense from a programming point of view you can start building your support base first with your peers and then by spreading the word to the rest of your team .

    如果你能够证明重构从编程的视角 来看是有意义的,你就可以开始构建你的支撑库,首先从你的伙伴开始,然后推广到 整个团队。