woolen yarn

[ˈwʊlɪn jɑrn][ˈwʊlɪn jɑ:n]


  • This paper describes the experience of the controlling the count in mule spinning when producing woolen cashmere knitting yarn .

    本文阐述了走锭纺 粗纺羊绒针织 的支数控制经验。

  • Analysis and resolution to the woolen rubbing apron yarn

    粗纺搓板 问题的分析和解决

  • In this paper we mainly discussed the development of hot-melting size and its future apply in woolen yarn .

    在概述了国内外热熔浆料发展的基础上,分析了 毛纱热熔上浆的发展前景。

  • Synthetic evaluation method used for woolen sweater are studied by means of fuzzy mathematics the styles of woolen sweater knitted with different count of yarn are evaluated by both subjective and objective method and the two evaluation results are almost the same .

    研究了用模糊数学对毛针织服装进行综合评价的方法,并对采用不同 规格 毛纱编织的 针织服装的风格进行了主观与客观的评价,2者具有较高的一致性。

  • A tightly twisted woolen yarn .

    一种拧得很紧的 毛纺 线

  • New techniques of ring spinning used for woolen yarn system s

    用于 毛纺 加工系统的环锭纺纱新技术

  • The unit suits for drying woolen yarn polyester yarn and pure cotton yarn cone yarn after dyeing and bleach .

    本机适用于 羊毛 、涤纶纱及纯棉筒子纱线在染色或漂白后的烘干。

  • The Design And Production Of Light Woolen Fancy Suiting With The Same Directional Twist Yarn

    同向 全毛薄花 的设计与生产

  • Quality control of pure woolen Cashmere knitting yarn and its yarn forming requirement

    粗纺纯羊绒针织 的质量控制和成纱要求

  • Application of elastane on woolen spinning frames and properties of elastane core - spun yarn

    氨纶在 粗纺细纱机上的应用及粗纺氨纶包 性能的研究

  • Effect of processing parameters of woolen elastic core - spun yarn on properties of woolen fabric

    粗纺弹性 纬纱加工参数对织物性能的影响

  • This article introduces how to design light woolen fancy suiting with the same directional twist yarn in the aspects of products specifications design and technological process and analyzes technological process and parameter option .

    从产品规格设计与工艺流程方面介绍了如何设计同向 全毛薄花 ,并探讨了工艺流程及参数选择。

  • The Development Process and Quality Control of Spinning High Count Cashmere / Rabbit Hair / Polyamide / Viscose / Cotton Woolen Knitting Yarn

    高支山羊绒/兔绒/锦纶/粘胶/棉 粗纺针织绒 产品开发及质量控制