word size

[wɚd saɪz][wə:d saiz]


  • Accordingly the research will be conducted centered with these four factors . Firstly the rationality of the layout of the primary mathematic textbooks ( three different versions ) is to be analyzed including character style word size word space and page number .

    一是对三个版本的小学数学教科书版面设计因素的合理性进行研究分析,包括字体、 字号、字间距、行间距、四周空白宽度以及页码等。

  • Question after analysis displays in a certain location the word size of character is not big enough due to the limitation of the screen . Gesture function used in this software which support enlarge and lessen the interface and slide interface .

    题目经过解析,在规定视图内显示,由于iPhone设备屏幕的限制, 字体一般较小,软件在界面中增加手势功能,支持放大、缩小、滑动界面等功能。

  • Shape bias refers to the phenomenon that children generalize a novel word to the objects that are similar in shape rather than color size or texture in the process of word learning . Shape bias was first found in the novel name extension task .

    形状偏好现象是指儿童在词汇学习过程中,倾向于将物体的名称 概括到与其 形状相同或者相似的物体上的现象。

  • Since the restrict of the word length of A / D converters and the filter orders the digital implementation is large in size which make it difficult to reduce the power consumptions and can not satisfy the demand of the next-generation wireless applications .

    由于受到A/D转换器 字长和信号带宽的限制,数字技术实现的硬件 规模较大,导致信号处理电路的功耗较大,不能满足未来移动通信终端设备的低功耗要求。

  • Technically the term work size ( also called word length ) describes the size of an operand register but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathway to and from the processor .

    字的大小这一术语(也称 字长)描述了操作数寄存器的 大小,但它也可用来不那么严格地描述出入处理器的通道的大小。

  • A microprocessor 's word size also applies to logic that handles data manipulations .

    一个微处理机的 字长也涉及到实现数据操作的逻辑。

  • At the same time of the Olympic Games Paris was also hosting the Word Exhibition an international fair of immense size .

    在举力奥运会的同时,巴黎也在主办一个 规模巨大的国际展览会&即 世界博览会。

  • The information you copied exceeds the size limit for pasting into the Word Processor . Try reducing the size of your selection and then copy and paste again .

    复制的信息超过可以在 处理器中粘贴的 尺寸限度。试着减小选定内容,然后再复制并粘贴。

  • The Word application provides various formatting options such as font name font size bold italics etc. that can be applied to text .

    Word应用程序提供了不同的文本格式化选项,例如字体名、 字号、粗体、斜体,等等,您可以将其应用到文本。

  • Inserting figure that electronic drawing board paints in the word file thus make engineering drawing accurate expression figure and engineering size and it is convenient to write books and the thesis .

    将电子图板所绘的图形插入到 Word文档中,从而使一些工程图能准确的表达图形和工程 ,方便著书写论文写技术报告。

  • Determination of efficiency for gear units SET BAUD RATE PARITY WORD SIZE AND STOP BITS .


  • Use the page set up function in your word processing software to select the correct size paper and automatically reformat your document .

    使用你的 文档处理软件的“页面设置”功能来选择正确的 纸型,自动为你的文档重新制定格式。

  • We also need to claim back the word generous : which too often gets used in the sense of over-large portions of food hotel towels the size of sheets or women spilling out of their dresses .

    我们也需要还“慷慨”这个同本来的面目,因为 这个 在食品、宾馆毛巾、床单 大小或胖得快要撑破衣裳的女人的绝大部分意思上用得太泛太滥了。

  • The relationship between word length and threshold character size in patients with central scotoma and eccentric fixation

    有中心暗点和偏注视患者的 字体长度和字体 大小阈值的关系

  • Your ASIC will be based on older processes ( the polite word is mature ) with a larger feature size .

    ASIC基于较老的(礼貌一点 是“成熟的”)处理方式,有效 尺寸更大一些。

  • Receive data from wireless sensor network . Through setting baud rate stop bits word size and parity of virtual serial port and then operating serial port with reading and writing to complete USB virtual serial communication between base station and gateway . 3 .

    完成无线传感器网络数据的接收。设置虚拟串口的 波特率、停止位、数据位、奇偶校验位,对串口进行读写操作,实现了基站节点与网关节点之间的USB虚拟串口通信。

  • Propose a hiding method base on bit-stream this method insert data by swapping two VLC codes which with the same size of code word and the same size of single bit .

    提出了基于比特流的隐藏方法,该方法是通过两个 码字长度和符号位 长度都相等的VLC码字互相替换来嵌入信息。