wooden pole

[ˈwʊdn pol][ˈwudn pəul]


  • They were shrines with little altars maybe cultic pillars and wooden poles : asherah the word for a wooden pole that 's used in the Bible is asherah .

    它们是摆着祭桌的圣坛,可能还有宗教石柱或者 森木杆:,《圣经》中指 木杆的词语是。

  • Mathematical Analyse on the Problem of Suspensory Wooden Pole


  • A metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting .

    套到 竿尖上防止其裂开的金属包头或镶边。

  • Deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole .

    通过混合 木碳使熔化的金属脱氧。