wooden spoon

[ˈwʊdn spun][ˈwudn spu:n]


  • Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler a metal spoon a coin a tin lid a pencil and a rubber eraser .

    用一把 尺、一把金属 、一枚硬币、一个铁盒盖、一枝铅笔和一块橡皮,重做这个试验。

  • He got the wooden spoon in the competition .

    他在比赛中 得了最后一

  • When Ysilla turned her back Tyrion snatched a biscuit off the brazier darting away just in time to avoid a smack from her fearsome wooden spoon .

    趁着伊西拉转身,提利昂从火盆上偷抓了片饼干就飞快溜走以防遭到她大 木勺的招呼。

  • Put pot back on flame and continue to work it with a wooden spoon .

    再把锅放回到火上,用一个 木勺持续地 搅动

  • Allow to stew gently for half an hour stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon . Keep checking as they can easily burn at the beginning .

    炖半小时,间或用 木勺搅拌一番,要时常查看因为前期苹果容易烧糊。

  • The Thenardier returned to her stove and tasted what was in the stewpan with a wooden spoon grumbling the while

    德纳第大娘回到她的火炉边,拿起一 木勺,尝那锅里的汤,一面叽里咕噜说道

  • The clank of the wooden spoon hitting his rings had played in unison with the change rattling in the teapot .


  • This kind of sauce should be stired constantly with a wooden spoon .

    熬这种酱汁时应该不停地用 木勺 搅动

  • Add crumbled amaretti to syrup and cook over low heat crushing cookies with back of a wooden spoon until melted into a coarse pur é e.

    在果酱中加入面包屑,小火煮,用 木质 汤匙 饼干,直到化软。

  • Cream together the margarine and sugar with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy .

    用一 木勺 人造黄油和糖搅拌成稀松的糊状。

  • The person who finishes last in this competition will earn a wooden spoon .


  • As he reached for one he got SMACKED across the back of his hand by the wooden spoon his wife was holding . Leave them alone ! she said They 're for the funeral !

    他拿了一块,这时手背被他老伴 木勺打了一下,“放下,”她说,“这是葬礼上用的!”

  • And she picked up a wooden spoon and I was certain that she was going to hit him with it .

    说完,她操起了一 木勺,我肯定她是要拿勺子揍他了。

  • Shake the pan to help it settle into the sauce and give it a nudge with a wooden spoon .

    晃动炒锅,帮助豆腐融入酱汁, 木勺轻推。

  • I apologized saying in very nice Italian I 'm sorry but I don 't speak Italian and she looked like she would 've smacked me with a wooden spoon if she 'd had one .

    我道歉,用完美的意大利语说:真抱歉,我不会说意大利语。她的样子像是要 拿木杓揍我似的,假如她手边有的话。

  • With an elbow propped on the counter top he stirred the pot with a wooden spoon .

    他一边胳膊肘支在厨房台面上,用 勺子搅拌着锅 果酱

  • Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament .

    贾维斯在第一次锦标赛 垫底。

  • Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon .

    木勺 油慢慢掺到蛋黄中。

  • Continue to cook for about 30 minutes stirring frequently with a wooden spoon until the pur é e has reduced and thickened considerably to the consistency of jam and reached setting point .

    继续煮大约30分钟,用 木质 汤匙不停搅拌,直到果浆变浓稠,成为酱状,并且可以凝固。

  • Swirl the simmering water with a wooden spoon to create a whirlpool effect then gently pour the quails ' eggs into the centre of the whirlpool .

    木勺转圈搅动煨着的水,转成漩涡状,然后 鹌鹑蛋轻轻倒入漩涡中心。

  • Gradually pour the liquid into the flour working it in carefully with a wooden spoon

    慢慢将液体倒入面粉,同时 木勺 轻轻 两者 在一起。

  • Tem-ple come ! David sang as he drummed on his father 's head with a wooden spoon .

    大卫在他爸爸的头上用 勺子敲着唱到:砰砰砰,去神殿。

  • His crutches his pallet the earthenware lamp and wooden spoon in its vessel of clay were objects of admiration to me the simple tools of a pure life .

    他的拐杖,他的窄硬的床铺,陶制的灯以及 土罐 木勺,都是我钦佩和羡慕的对象,它们是一种纯洁生活的简单工具。

  • Stir in both meats breaking up the pork with a wooden spoon .

    把牛肉和猪肉倒入翻炒, 搅拌。

  • Whether Mama was standing over the pot stirring with a long wooden spoon or not I knew I was home .

    不管妈妈当时是否正手拿一 木勺在汤罐旁边忙碌着,我都知道我已经到家了。

  • John dabbing at an injury on his chin that wouldn 't stop bleeding walked in on his wife striking the man on his head with a wooden spoon .

    约翰轻轻地揩着下巴上一处流血不止的伤口,走了进来,看见老婆正在用一把 勺子打修理工的脑袋。