wood leave

[wʊd liv][wud li:v]

[法] 砍用树木权

  • They search the shed where the firewood is kept break every piece of wood find no marijuana swear at Tom and leave .

    他们搜查了存放木柴的库房,把 木柴劈成一块一块,没有找到太麻,就对着汤姆口出秽言,然后 离去

  • For Ben Wood of CCS Insight another market-research firm Apple 's plan is to be even more like the Hotel California ( as in the Eagles ' song ) where you can check out any time you like but you can never leave .

    另一家市场调研公司CCSInsight的本. 伍德认为,苹果的计划更像是加州旅馆(老鹰乐队的歌):你可以随时退房,但却永远不会 离开

  • Now the wood was silent except for the leave .

    树林 一片寂静,只有 树叶发出的响声。

  • On the next day the FBI goes to Tom 's house . They search the shed where the firewood is kept break every piece of wood find no marijuana curse at Tom and leave .

    第二天,FBI来到汤姆家,搜索了柴房,劈开了每块 木头,结果没有发现大麻。他们诅咒了汤姆一通 离开了。

  • The time portrayed in stone wood the white paper this is the only way to be able to leave a time .

    将时间刻画在石头上, 木条上,白纸上,这是唯一能将时间 留下的方法了。