





  • I 'm just answering questions politely correct me if I 'm wrong ; I wont respond to cussing .

    我是仅仅回答问题,如果我是错误,有礼貌校正我;我 惯常做法对咒骂作出反应。

  • You wont catch me crying cos I just cant win .

    我哭泣产地来源证我只 惯于斜面赢。

  • You wont believe what a silly mistake I made this morning .

    肯定 不会相信早上我犯了多么愚蠢的错误。

  • If you still wont believe me you are one of many .

    如果你还是 相信我的话,你就跟很多人一样了。

  • So I refuse to wait I wont let others keep me from realizing my dreams .

    因此我拒绝等待我 想别人陪我实现梦想。

  • And if it rings when I get to three hundred I wont stop ;

    要是我数到三百电话就响了,我 不会停下来;

  • If it blows up I wont be seeing you tomorrow so lets get out of here !

    如果爆炸了,我下一天就见 到你了,咱们 或者快走吧!

  • I have been moved two times and Larry wont let me live with him .

    我已经搬了两次家, 拉里 让我和他住在一起。

  • We promise we wont hurt you .

    我们保证 不会伤害你的。

  • Now most recruiters wont tell you what you did wrong .

    现在,大部分的招聘人员 不会告诉你你做错了什么。

  • The bad part is over and this time I wont let anyone near my bench but just her and I.

    糟糕的部分结束了,这次我 不会让任何人接近我的长椅,除了我和她。

  • He said : If God is so great why wont he solve all the worlds problems ?

    他说了;如果上帝是如此好的,为什么他 不会解决所有世界的问题?

  • They wont kill us * we owe them too much money .

    他们 不会杀我们的。我们欠了他们太多的钱。

  • Even if invited I wont go .

    即使被邀请,我 不会去的。

  • Paul woke early as was his wont .

    保罗醒得很早, 历来 如此

  • You wont love every subject that you study .


  • And at least this means I wont have to do Q and A again .

    还有,至少这意味着我将 不用再去 参加 议会质询了。

  • Now show me you are still a man I said I wont ask again .

    现在让我看看,你还是个男子汉。我可 不会二次。

  • Well now you wont have to .

    好的,你现在 需要再去了。

  • You wont click with every teacher that you have .


  • Both have committed their indiscretions as human beings are wont to do .

    两人都有 失慎重,此乃人之常情。

  • Wont you believe in my song ?

    我相信你 惯于宋?

  • I am wont to think that I can read Homer .

    那就是我。但是我 感受到的荷马的诗篇。

  • I wont care about you !


  • I wont to see my doctor yesterday about my leg .

    昨天我请 大夫看了我的腿。

  • Some people ask why wont God solve the worlds problems I say He has already solved them !

    有人问为什么上帝 不会解决世界的问题,我说他已经解决了!

  • There wont be any money for me if they destroy the owen .

    如果他们毁灭了我们的家园,我 没有钱了。

  • I hate flying I hate hotels I wont like this job .

    她说,我讨厌坐飞机,我讨厌住宾馆,我是 不会喜欢这份工作的。

  • At this point of time you wont be able to see any logged in user .

    在这一点上的时候你 习惯 可以看到任何登录的用户。