


  • His big blue eyes opened wide in wonderment .

    他蓝色的大眼睛睁 大大的, 惊喜

  • Not tears of sadness or anger but an outpouring of emotion over the sheer wonderment that we can be this close-twelve years after graduation-with such physical distance between us .

    这些不是伤心或愤怒的眼泪,而是纯粹 惊叹尽管毕业十二年了,彼此距离那么遥远,但却能保持如此亲密的关系,眼泪是这种情感的迸发。

  • The wonderment with which such phenomena are welcomed is a most abstract frame of mind from which one should advance to a closer insight into the inner harmony and uniformity of nature .

    变幻无常 现象的 赞美,乃是 出于一种抽象的心理 态度,这种 态度必须为 我们所超越,并进一步认识自然的内在和谐性和规律性。

  • After the initial wonderment over how such bad architecture has managed to last so long there 's nothing much left to do apart from climbing the tower .

    最初的 对于 这样的建筑怎么能保存如此 久”的 惊叹过去之后,也就没什么可做的了。

  • He listened with quiet wonderment as his grandfather told him of his life in the circus .

    当他的祖父告诉他在马戏团的生活时,他 惊奇地静静地听着。

  • ' Its simplicity its air of extreme wonderment ' he said had moved him all his life .

    他说它的纯朴和绝对 奇妙的气氛使他终生感动。

  • The violin sang out a quality of music so beautiful that the collector himself could only listen in wonderment .

    小提琴唱出了如此美妙的音乐,连收藏家都听得 出神

  • Obama waited patiently during McCain 's attacks comfortably perched on the chair often smiling in seeming wonderment about what he was hearing from his opponent .

    而在麦凯恩抨击奥巴马时, 后者 应对显得很从容。奥巴马坐在椅子上,很舒服,并时常露出微笑,仿佛对对手的 说辞 感到 赞叹

  • Our wonderment about life is diminished when we know the source of life 's beginnings .

    当我们了解到生命起源的时候,我们对生命的 惊奇 就会被弱化。

  • I was full of wonderment at this unusual mammal with its circular head adorned by short ears its round eyes its white whiskers like those on a cat its webbed and clawed feet its bushy tail .

    我很赞美 新奇的哺乳类动物,圆 的头,上面有短短的耳朵,圆圆的眼睛,像猫须一般的白色瓮须,掌形带甲的脚,团簇的尾巴。

  • She gasped in wonderment at her good luck .

    她运气这样好,惊奇地倒抽了一口 凉气

  • The children watched in wonderment as the circus began .

    马戏表演开始时孩子们 惊奇 看着。

  • As always those under a UFO display are receiving a telepathic message while entranced with the display focused on this and in wonderment .

    同平时一样,那些在UFO展示之下的人,在被UFO吓了一 ,聚精会神, 感到 惊叹的同时,也正在接收心灵感应信息。

  • The major features of transpersonal experiences include wonderment assuredness wisdom unity universality and influential power .

    超个人经验的主要特征包括 惊奇、确实、智慧、合一、普遍性和感染力。

  • We were bug-eyed in wonderment .

    我们非常惊奇, 眼珠都快瞪出来了。

  • The finale had 50 adults standing in open-mouthed wonderment .

    终场一幕让50名成年观众 惊叹得张大嘴站了起来。

  • The most stunning thing about the film though - and this is said not by way of praise but with anxious wonderment - is how depressing and truly doomy most of it is .

    不过该片最令人惊叹的并没有赞扬的成分,而是令人不安的 惊叹是大部分时间里沉重的压抑和末世气氛。