wonder at

[ˈwʌndɚ æt][ˈwʌndə æt]


  • The child stared with wonder at the magician .

    孩子睁大眼睛, 惊奇 地望着魔术师。

  • He actually had the impudence or else so forgot himself in his wonder at such an incomprehensible order .

    他胆大包天,或因为对这不可理解的命令大为 惊讶而忘了自己的身份。

  • Walk down Castle Street admire our little jewel of a cathedral then wonder at the castle

    沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而 叹服 城堡的壮观。

  • I don 't wonder at his anxiety .

    他着急,我是不 奇怪的。

  • I wonder at people living in such out-of-the-way places .

    纳闷 怎么 有人住在这么偏僻的地方。

  • They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall .

    他们对新瀑布感到非常 惊奇

  • I don 't wonder at his failing the exam .

    他考试不及格一事,我一 也不 奇怪

  • One can only wonder at his cheek .

    人们 他的面颊不能 感到 诧异

  • The children looked up in wonder at the big elephant .

    孩子们 惊奇地昂首 那只大象。

  • You wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature .

    你对自然的这个令人敬畏的展示奇迹 啧啧

  • He liked to sit and wonder at all that had happened

    他喜欢坐着对发生的一切 惊叹 不已

  • You have to wonder at the fantastic accuracy with which they worked the stone .

    你必然会对他们加工石料之异常精确 感到 惊奇

  • I wonder at your allowing him to do such a thing .


  • I wonder at your patience .

    你的耐心使我 惊异

  • I don 't wonder at her refusing to marry him .

    她拒绝和他结婚我一点也不 感到 惊异

  • The parents wonder at their son 's refuse to marry such a beautiful girl .

    他的父母亲 儿子拒绝与这样一位美貌的姑娘成亲 感到 惊诧

  • I used to wonder at their slowness .

    我过去常常对他们的迟缓 感到 惊讶

  • I am so consumed by wonder at their bravery .

    他们的勇气令我 惊讶

  • I wonder at his doing that .

    他那样干 感到 惊讶

  • ' and why wonder at that ? 'was the abrupt inquiry that made him start .

    “有什么 想不到的:”一声突然的反问使他吃了一惊。

  • Human beings in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it .

    在任何时候、任何地方人类都会对世界进行思考并且 知道他们 世界中的位置。

  • While I might be tempted to wonder at how useful these tips might be only time will tell .

    尽管我可能对这些贴士的实用性 心存 怀疑,但只有时间能说明一切。

  • I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune

    我对她的好运既 惊奇又感叹。

  • I don 't wonder at her falling asleep in the middle of the play .

    剧中睡觉我一点不 感到 惊异

  • I wonder at the disrespect shown not only to the books but to their readers .

    我对那不但是对原书而且也是对其读者的不尊重 感到 纳闷

  • I wonder at which point experts decide they no longer need to learn because they already know it all ?

    知道专家们 哪个角度来决定他们不再需要学习的,是因为他们已经无所不知了吗?

  • I wonder at your rudeness when I have always been so kind to you .

    我一直对你很友好,你的无礼真叫我 惊讶