


  • The research and progress of wolfram and molybdenum separation methods were summarized and evaluated in this article . Moreover the research orientation of the wolfram and molybdenum separation was preliminarily discussed .


  • Wolfram thinks that for this and other reasons it 's probably not possible to come up with such an audio representation .


  • • true knowledge Bing answers and Wolfram Alpha for factual question answering ;

    •在TrueKnowledge、BingAnswers和 WolframAlpha网站上搜索事实问题的答案。

  • This is the principal theological problem of the Colli / Montinari edition as Wolfram Groediche demonstrated some years ago in one of his important articles .

    这是蒙狄版首要神学问题, 沃夫几年前在他重要的,文章中之一,指出。

  • Annual dust concentration and the incidence of silicosis of workers in a wolfram mine were analyzed .

    本文分析了某 钨矿 25年的粉尘浓度和矽肺发病资料。

  • Effects of Rare Earths and Al Modification Treatment on High Chromium Cast Iron Containing Wolfram

    RE-Al对含 高铬铸铁变质效果的 试验 研究

  • Application of Wolfram Tailings in Cement Industry


  • Hand-written results from Wolfram Alpha & The math-juiced search engine now promises its results will come hand-written .

    来自 WolframAlpha的手写搜索结果&精于数学计算的搜索引擎WolframAlpha现在承诺,它将以手写方式将搜索结果展现出来。

  • In the handicraft industries the production of farm implements and lime is being restored and we are beginning to restore wolfram production .

    手工业方面,农具和石灰的生产在恢复 过程中, 钨砂的生产开始恢复。

  • Caledonian acid intrusive rocks play a decisive role in the formation of wolfram ore deposits .

    加里东期的酸性侵入体对 成矿起了决定性的作用。

  • Wonder how much your entry-level pay from your first job would be in today 's dollars once you account for inflation ? Wolfram Alpha can tell you .

    不知道有多少你的入门级工资从你的第一份工作是在今天的美元计算,只要你对通货膨胀的帐户? 沃尔 弗拉姆阿尔法可以告诉你。

  • I know nifty tidbits from yelp and Wolfram Alpha .

    我知道“大众点评”上的花边新闻,我背后还有一个叫 WolframAlpha的牛叉算法。

  • The most significant fields are tobacco paper wolfram camphor farm implements and fertilizers ( such as lime ) .

    这里重要的是烟、纸、 钨砂、樟脑、农具和肥料(石灰等)。

  • In Open Problems & Projects Wolfram posed this problem : Is it possible to come up with an audio representation of CA evolution that provides insight that visual representations don 't provide ?

    在“OpenProblems&Projects”中, Wolfram提出了这个问题:是否可以有一个声音表示的CA进化,它提供了视觉表示不能提供的内部信息?

  • Wolfram Alpha 's public launch is due in a couple weeks but I 've been putting a preview version of the Wolfram Research site through its paces .

    沃尔 弗拉姆阿尔法的公共发射是在两个星期后到期,但我已经把它的步伐,通过一个网站的沃尔夫勒姆研究预览版本。

  • By studying elementary cellular automata Wolfram found that complex behavior could arise from simple mechanisms .

    通过研究初级细胞自动机, Wolfram发现简单的机制可以产生出复杂的行为。

  • 1321 cases of pneumoconiosis patients found in wolfram mine in Jiangxi were analyzed by life table method .

    本文用寿命表法对江西某 钨矿1321例尘肺病人累积活存情况和病情变化作了统计分析。

  • It was made out of light alloy and had a wolfram kernel inside .

    它是由轻质合金构成,有一个 合金的内部核心。

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of trace wolfram in aqueous solution with thiocyanate and crystal violet


  • Wolfram Zimmermann a tissue engineer at the University Hospital in Hamburg Germany calls the approach exciting but cautions that it 's a long way from being ready for use in people .


  • WOLFRAM SCHLENKER : If you are worried about rising food prices it might be good to funnel some research into breeding for heat tolerance and maybe even drought tolerance .


  • Tungsten in the ores exists mainly as scheelite and some as wolfram ocher and wolframite .

    矿石中钨主要呈白钨矿存在,有 少量 华及黑钨矿;

  • The processing mineralogy properties and the dressing craft characteristics on porphyry tungsten have been studied in this paper . The results provide the correct direction and theoretical foundation for the mining and processing of this kind of wolfram ore.

    经对矿石进行工艺矿物学研究,揭示了斑岩型钨矿的矿物特征和选矿工艺特征,为此类 矿石的开发利用提供了依据。

  • Wolfram has licensed some of the data from private sources so not all of what it can show and process is the sort of thing you 'll find online through your average Google search .


  • The copper lead zinc wolfram and molybdenum multimetal deposit in songjiang is a middle-sized buried skarn deposit .


  • Wolfram tailing is waste material containing components of quartz albite and wolframite .


  • Wolfram 's research into cellular automata


  • Wolfram Alpha will show plenty of financial data that 's easy to find on sites such as Yahoo Finance but it goes a few steps beyond too .


  • Wolfram Alpha will show you lots of data beyond just the regular current temperature and forecasts .
