with freedom

[wɪð ˈfridəm][wið ˈfri:dəm]


  • Of course with freedom comes responsibility .

    当然, 伴随 自由而来的还有责任。

  • They are likely to reduce efficiency because they interfere with freedom of contract .

    它们干涉了合约 自由,因此很可能会降低效率。

  • And it also remains our zealous hope to allow every Chinese to achieve comprehensive development with freedom equality happiness and dignity .

    使13亿中国人每个人都 自由和平等的条件下得到全面的发展,生活得更加幸福、更有尊严仍然是我们孜孜以求的奋斗目标。

  • If lyophilization is required then automated loading and unloading must be provided with freedom from personnel access .

    如果冻干机是需要的,那么 具备非人工进入的自动装载和卸载装置。

  • With freedom now taken for granted the old animosities are ill suppressed .


  • Model-style house connecting South to north upright style simple house and you can design yourself with freedom !

    南北通的版式房,房型正气,毛坯房可以 自由发挥设计布局!

  • The professional camera for digital architectural photography with freedom of all displacements from close range to infinity .

    该专业相机用于数码建筑摄影, 具有从最近到无限远的全位移 自主选择功能。

  • This is a very positive development which shows beyond all doubt the enormous force unleashed when the state entrusts individuals with freedom of action .

    这是非常积极的发展势头,毫无疑问地显示出当国家将行动 自由赋予人民后所爆发出来的巨大力量。

  • Every citizen may accordingly speak write and print with freedom but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law .

    因此,各个公民都有言论、著述和出版 自由,但在法律所规定的情况下,应对滥用此项自由负担责任。

  • We will support those revolutions with fidelity to our ideals with the power of our example and with an unwavering belief that all human beings deserve to live with freedom and dignity .

    我们将支持那些革命,同时保持对我们的理念的忠诚,以我们的榜样做为力量,并坚定不移地相信所有人类都理应过上 自由和有尊严的生活。

  • This however is a merely external necessity not the real inward necessity which is identical with freedom .

    但这只是一种外在的必然性,而非真正内在的必然性,因为内在的必然性就是 自由

  • And it 's better to half throttle your way around with freedom than to full throttle your way into incarceration .

    最好是半油门附近的路比全油门 自由进入监禁。

  • All animals should be provided with freedom of choice .

    因此,所有动物应该得到 自由选择的 权利

  • The results from these studies may have something to do with how closely Americans associate choice with freedom .

    上述研究结果可能与美国人把选择 自由紧密相连的程度有关。

  • Remember that to change thy opinion and to follow him who corrects thy error is as consistent with freedom as it is to persist in thy error .

    记住:改变你的意见,追随纠正你缺点的人,这跟要坚持你的错误一样,是 自由一致的。

  • What is it with freedom fighters and couture anyway ?


  • Their republic political outlook is with freedom at the core secular moral principle is with virtue at the core values is with active live at the core .

    他们的共和政治观 自由”为核心,世俗伦理观以“美德”为核心,价值观以“积极生活”为核心。

  • Young people who grow up with freedom in one area of their lives will ultimately demand freedom in other areas .

    在一个 自由的生活区域长大的年轻人最终也会在其他地方要求自由。

  • Roman Catholicism is the official religion with freedom of other religions guaranteed by the constitution .

    罗马天主教是官方宗教, 信仰其他宗教的 自由

  • It is what defines our most basic values . / / Medical technology offers us in many cases a devil 's bargain : longer life but with reduced mental capacity ; freedom from depression together with freedom form creativity or spirit .

    //医学技术在许多方面为我们提供了一种魔鬼交易:我们虽然延长了寿命,但是脑力却减退了。我们虽 可免 忧郁症,但是也失去了创造力和灵气。

  • But I can rest only for a moment for with freedom come responsibilities .

    但我只能稍作停留,因为 随着 自由而来的还有责任。

  • I do not want to be attached and yet I find myself getting attached to the idea that somebody or some book or some method will reward me with freedom from attachment .

    我不想依附,然而我发现自己依附这个想法&某人,某本书,某种方法将 从依附中 解脱来回报我。

  • We were drunk with freedom .

    自由令我们 忘乎所以

  • Being in the mountains I feel how my heart fills with freedom and happiness .

    正在山中我觉得我的心 充满自由和幸福。

  • The United States was founded on a commitment to individual freedom and autonomy with freedom of choice as a core value .

    美国是建立在对个人自由和自治的承诺的基础的上的, 自由选择当做核心价值。

  • They regard overpopulation as a danger to society . For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom .

    他们把人口过剩看成是对社会的威胁。因为人口过剩 自由是不可调和的。

  • Overpopulation is not compatible with freedom .

    人口过剩 自由是不可调和的。

  • Such faith keeps me continually ready and purposeful with energy to do what one person can towards shaping the environment in which the human being can grow with freedom .

    这种信念使我精力充沛、尽我所能去营造人类能 自由发展的环境且乐此不疲。

  • This simplicity provides programmers with freedom and flexibility .

    这种简单性为编程人员 提供自由 和灵活性。