with patience

[wɪð ˈpeʃəns][wið ˈpeiʃəns]


  • Sweetness is a virtue that searches with patience for the good in every person and situation .

    可爱是一种美德,她 无比 耐心,在所有的人与事中去发现美好的 东西

  • It is possible with patience and hard work .


  • Apply your ideas with patience for the reward they may deserve .

    运用你的想法 耐心回报他们应得的报应。

  • The expert uses these three tools and plies them with patience .

    这位专家使用这3种工具而且使用得很 耐心

  • With patience determination and accepting a bit higher price I have found many many high-quality products that are still made in the U.


  • But notwithstanding this with patience and labour I went through many things ; and indeed every thing that my circumstances made necessary to me to do as will appear by what follows .

    尽管如此, 耐心和劳动,我完成了大量的工作。下面,我将叙述我如何为生活环境所迫,完成了许多必不可少的工作。

  • Bear with patience what the unbelievers utter and part from them with a fair leave-taking .

    对于非信徒的发声要 耐性,离开他们时要好好地告别。

  • It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity .


  • He could do nothing but wait with patience .

    除了 耐心等待外,无事可做。

  • If you act with patience this could be productive time for you .

    如果你的 耐心 行动,这可能是你生产的时间。

  • I will keep still and wait like the night with starry vigil and its head bent low with patience .

    我要静静的等待着,就像那星光闪烁中的黑夜一样, 耐心的低 头。

  • You should learn to protect your wife with patience and humility to abide your lover as every husband .

    特别是你,大花,身为丈夫要懂得保护妻子,要懂得 忍让

  • Now everyone who laughs at others will behave himself then . They promised faithfully to bear their confinement with patience .

    现在嘲笑别人的人到那个时候就老老实实了。他们都老老实实的答应,要耐 性子忍受禁闭。

  • Whereas we need far-flung process to settle the problems with patience and break through them on emphases .

    然而,问题的解决又需要一个漫长的过程, 不能 操之过急,只能重点突破。

  • So those were the three main sorts of challenges that we faced and the way we overcame them was with patience support knowledge sharing and information dissemination through communities of practice .

    这就是我们面对的三类主要挑战和我们如何 通过 耐心、支持、分享知识和传播信息来克服这些挑战的实践。

  • Today I move through all of my functions and activities effortlessly with patience and love .

    今天,我 满怀 耐性和爱,轻松自在地完成所有任务和活动。

  • With patience and confidence we should be able gradually to change their state of mind .

    我们应该 耐心、有信心,逐步去改变他们的精神状态。

  • She tried however to compose herself to answer him with patience when he should have done .

    不过,她还是竭力镇定下来,以便等他把话说完, 耐心 给他一个回答。

  • It would be wise to solve this delicate problem with patience .

    冷静 耐心地处理这个微妙问题是明智的。

  • Just like his grandmother he just keeps getting up and moving forward * with patience and wisdom and courage and grace .

    他从不会被四面的楚歌所动摇,就像他的祖母一样,他会重新振作,再度前进, 他的 耐心,智慧,勇气和气度!

  • Let us not be anxious about it but wait with patience till the gates of pearl shall open .

    让我们渴望 耐心等待,直至珍珠门最后为我们开启。

  • She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination .

    她是一位 富有 耐心和想象力的生气勃勃的年轻姑娘。

  • After financial markets ' rush to liquidity and safety SWFs are among the few remaining sources of capital with patience and tolerance for risk .

    在金融市场一窝蜂地追逐流动性和安全性之后,主权财富基金是为数不多的 耐心、又能容忍风险的资本来源之一。

  • Those who teach the deaf and dumb must be armed with patience .

    聋哑学生的教师必须 耐心

  • But with patience It might JUST BE possible .

    但是,只有 耐心,就有可能成功。

  • Working with patience is what I need most to this kind of job .

    并且很好的 耐心,这是我 人为做助教最需要的。

  • With all humility and mildness with patience supporting one another in charity .

    凡事要谦逊、温和、 忍耐,在爱德中彼此担待。