with pleasure

[wɪð ˈplɛʒɚ][wið ˈpleʒə]

欣然愉快地, 高兴地, 没问题

  • Ted managed to mix business with pleasure

    特德设法做到了工作 娱乐两不误。

  • The dog wagged its tail with pleasure .

    那条狗 高兴得直摇尾巴。

  • You can 't mix business with pleasure .

    你不能把工作 娱乐搅在一起。

  • I 'm just anticipating with pleasure seeing some of my reporting .

    我将 喜悦期待着看到我的报告的 一天。

  • The baby crowed with pleasure when its father picked it up .

    那婴儿的父亲把他抱起来的时候,他 乐得格格地笑。

  • He laughed with pleasure when people said he looked like his dad

    人们说他长得像父亲时,他 乐得 大笑起来

  • The thought fills me with pleasure .

    这一个念头使我 充满喜悦

  • It stopped raining afterwards and we started climbing up the mountain with pleasure .

    既而雨 ,欣然登山。

  • He sighed with pleasure after the excellent meal .

    他美餐一顿之后, 满足 了口气。

  • I would do it with pleasure only I am too busy .

    我很 高兴去做,可是我太忙了。

  • We can sometimes mix business with pleasure .

    我们有时候把工作 快乐结合在一起。

  • Daniel : Oh I see that is also to say teaching goes together with pleasure .

    丹尼尔:哦,我知道了。也就是说“ 寓教于乐”。

  • I don 't like to mix business with pleasure but try to keep the two things fairly apart .

    我不爱把做生意 娱乐这两件事混为一谈,而是设法把这两件事严格地区分开来。

  • In future years we shall remember your visit with pleasure .

    在未来的年月里,我们将 愉快 记得你的访问。

  • As soon as I went in cage cried out with pleasure .

    我一进屋,凯奇就 高兴得叫了起来。

  • They grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets .

    当我给他们糖果时,他们 高兴地咧开嘴笑了起来。

  • The king and queen welcomed him to their palace and listened with pleasure to the story of his voyage .

    国王和王后欢迎他到王宫之中, 愉快 倾听他的航行故事。

  • Your accomplishments could exceed your expectations if you mix a little business with pleasure .

    如果你把业务 娱乐结合起来,你的成就会超出想象。

  • His scarred face crumpled with pleasure .

    他那张疤脸 高兴得皱了起来。

  • Like fill your heart with pleasure hope and joy .

    让你心中 充满 快乐和希望。

  • She will do that with pleasure .

    她会 高兴 去做。

  • The fond father smiled with pleasure .

    溺爱孩子的父亲 高兴 微笑了。

  • I never mix business with pleasure .

    我从不把正事 娱乐搅在一起。

  • My family is filled with pleasure and we live a very happy life .

    我们是一个 充满 快乐,生活美满的家庭。

  • She received their congratulations with pleasure .

    高兴 收到了他们的祝贺。

  • I have read your book with pleasure and profit .

    我读了你的书 觉得 快乐而有益。

  • ' Could you photocopy the advert and put it in the post to us ? ' — ' With pleasure John . '

    “你能把广告影印一下寄给我们吗?”——“ 当然可以,约翰。”

  • I offered to help him with his English study and he accepted with pleasure .

    我表示愿意帮助他学英语,他 乐意 接受了。

  • We viewed the scene with pleasure .

    我们 愉快 观看景色。

  • We can 't always combine work with pleasure .

    我们并不总是 工作中 享受乐趣