with that

[wɪð ðæt][wið ðæt]


  • I don 't think many people would argue with that

    我认为多数人不会对此 异议。

  • The interest of individuals is indissolubly linked with that of the country .

    个人利益 国家利益不可分割地联系在一起。

  • I 've had it with that kind of treatment of Americans .

    我再也 忍受不了 那样对待美国人了。

  • I think it 's premature for restaurants to come out with that advice .

    我认为餐馆提出 那样的建议太草率了。

  • We produced the best soccer of the tournament . Nobody would argue with that .

    本届比赛中我们踢出了最漂亮的足球,谁都不会否认 一点。

  • The press couldn 't deal with that so they made up all this bull .

    新闻媒体无法应对 此事 因此他们就编造了这通谎言。

  • The strength of an individual as compared with that of the masses is but a drop in the ocean .

    个人的力量 群众的力量相比 不过是沧海一粟。

  • Its own estimate of three hundred tallies with that of another survey

    其估计数目300 另一项调查的结果相吻合。

  • I 've shot hundreds of quail with that gun .


  • I am happy with that decision .

    我对 那个决定很 满意

  • He didn 't speak much he just smiled with that serene smile of his .

    他话不多,只是脸上 露出他招牌式的淡定的微笑。

  • What did you do with that notebook ?

    你把 那个笔记本放哪儿了?

  • I don 't think Mr Cavanagh would get far with that trick .

    我想卡瓦纳先生的 套把戏 不了多久。

  • I 'm fed up with that piece of junk .


  • His intelligence is comparatively favourable with that of his brother .

    他的智力相对 比他哥哥强。

  • I hoped he would not connect me with that now-embarrassing review I 'd written seven years earlier

    我希望他不会把我 我7年前写的 篇现在看来令人难堪的评论联系起来。

  • Don 't fool with that gun .


  • So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house .

    因此我从小到大一直 认为男人是一家之主。

  • Both of them looked at him with that curious slightly amused and even arch expression .

    他们俩都看着他 一副好奇的、有点觉得好笑甚至是淘气的表情。

  • I don 't fully agree with that .

    对此我并不完全 同意

  • His future is closely bound up with that of the company .

    他的前途 公司的前途紧紧地联结在一起。

  • He 's infatuated with that girl .

    他对 那位姑娘是一片 痴情

  • Don 't have any dealings with that fellow .

    不要 那个人打交道。

  • Every time I sing that line I have to compete with that bloody trombone !

    每次唱到那一句,我都不得不 该死的长号拼声音。

  • To link work at selected spots with that in entire areas is a very effective working method .

    点面 结合是一个很有效的工作方法。

  • ' But not quite yet ' he says quickly with that ready smile of his

    “但还不至于如此,”他脱口而出,脸上保持 一贯的微笑。

  • ' I don 't think a government has properly done it for about the past twenty-five years . ' — ' I 'd go along with that . '

    “我认为在过去25年左右的时间里,政府一直未能妥善处理此事。”——“我 同意你的 观点。”

  • Hurry up with that coffee will you .

    请你快点 咖啡端上来。

  • This line is a parallel with that one .

    这条线 条线平行。