with staring eyes


  • Enemy soldier with the staring eyes .


  • But there in front of him was Marley 's face white and ghostly with terrible staring eyes .

    但呈现在他面前的是马利的脸,惨白似鬼一般, 还有怒目 圆睁的恐怖的 眼睛

  • He was an unattractive man with staring eyes and an oddly pale skin .

    他是个毫无魅力的男人, 目光 呆滞,皮肤苍白的异样。

  • Bertha was lying with staring terrified eyes eyes that seemed to lately seen entirely new things .

    伯莎 凝滞,可怕的 眼睛躺在那儿,那双眼睛似乎是刚刚看到了新鲜的东西一样。

  • Presently Tom lifted his head with a jerk and after staring around the garage with glazed eyes addressed a mumbled incoherent remark to the policeman .

    过了一会汤姆猛地一甩,抬起头来, 呆滞 目光扫视了车行,然后对警察含糊不清地说了一句话。

  • Techniques for initially dealing with the dizziness include staring at a fixed point closing your eyes and concentrating on something else .

    起初的训练 盯住一个固定点,或是闭住 眼睛,注意力集中在别的地方等。

  • The poor white face with its staring eyes was too much for me so I got a tablecloth and covered it .

    我受不了那张可怜的、惨白的脸 眼睛,因此,拿了一块桌布把它盖起来。

  • When she heard what the shepherd said she could not help laughing for there is no denying the fact that this young shepherd with the staring eyes pleased her very much ;

    她一听到牧羊人所说的话,就忍不住笑了起来。不可否认,这个 铜铃 的年轻牧羊人让她觉得非常有趣;

  • He gazed at the scene with staring eyes .


  • His brother Shura with staring disingenuous eyes was plotting to master the world .

    一对狡诈 眼睛的哥哥瑞拉, 处心积虑图谋征服整个世界。