I wish you the same good fortune you have wished me with knobs on !
你祝我 走好运,我祝你 更 走运。
you are a fool . and the same to you with knobs on
“傻瓜!”“你才是呢,你是 双料的。”
Those of them that were spotted with white reflected the sunshine in dazzling brilliancy and the polished brass knobs on their horns glittered with something of military display .
那些身上 有白点的奶牛皮毛光亮,把阳光反射过来,使人日炫,它们的犄角 上套着发亮的铜 箍,就像是某种兵器闪耀着光辉。
The space is dominated by a gargantuan console teeming with hundreds of buttons and knobs . It looks like the kind of device that were you to flip the wrong switch would accidentally launch a drone strike on Palm Springs .
房间里矗立着一台 布满了几百个按钮和 旋钮的巨大控制台,那 架势好像一弄错开关,就会不小心 对棕榈泉(PalmSprings)发起一场无人机打击一样。
A bedstead with brass knobs on .
带 弹簧 球 的 床架。
You want me to go that house with you ! I will with knobs on !
你要我和你 一起到那 栋房子去,你想得才 美呢!
If it have demand Clariant will step up the criterion with knobs on beyond this request .
如有需要, 科莱恩更会提升标准,超越这些要求。