with ease

[wɪð iz][wið i:z]


  • Although they were strangers they conversed with ease .

    他们虽然互不相识,但谈得 融洽

  • As she is very clever and capable she can pass the exam with ease .

    她很聪明,又有能力,能够 轻而易举 通过这场考试。

  • They 'll run their leagues with ease power flexibility and cash !

    他们将 容易 运用联盟,力量,灵活性和现金!

  • But you can handle them with ease .

    但你可以 游刃有余 应付他们。

  • Gold and iron alloy with ease .

    金和铁 易于合铸。

  • She performed this trick with ease .

    轻松 表演了这项特技。

  • User interfaces can be adapted to different users helping them accomplish their tasks with ease .

    用户界面可以适应于不同的用户,帮助他们 方便 完成任务。

  • He passed the test with ease .

    容易 过了考试。

  • Attune to one 's hologram and one will hear the Earth Mother and the Tao with ease .

    向你的全息图调音,你将 轻松 听到地球母亲和道。

  • Falling over is impossible and the scooter can handle ice snow and stairs with ease .

    摔倒是不可能的,它能 轻松 应付冰、雪和台阶。

  • Ready aim wait for it ! Fire ! The gun points with ease .

    准备,瞄准目标,注意!开火!枪 轻而易举 瞄准了。

  • If I learn Chinese for three years shall I be able to speak it with ease ?

    我要是学了三年中文,我能够 容易 说中文吗?

  • This way when you go on to the main programs you can feel comfortable and move with ease .

    这样,当你在总方案的时候,你可以感受到舒适和 轻松移动。

  • Though he 's short-tempered his wife manages him with ease .

    虽然他脾气暴躁,他太太却能 轻易 对付他。

  • When Daryl heard a small noise he ducked his head with ease .

    达里尔听到了一点儿响声,他 轻松 低下了头。

  • The drag-and-drop WYSIWYG workspace lets you add and customize form elements with ease .

    拖动和放下,所见即所得的工作空间让你 轻松添加和自定义表单元素。

  • Not all of the technology required to implement this pattern with ease exists today .

    实现此模式所需要的技术并非都 轻而易举 保留到今天。

  • He was squashed so you can enter and exit a room with ease .

    它被压扁了一遍你能 轻松出入屋子。

  • He is expected to win the game with ease .

    预计他在比赛中会 轻易获胜。

  • We desire to see you all moving out of this cycle with ease and without complication .

    我们渴望看见你们所有人都 轻易 不混乱 脱离这个循环。

  • You may be able to steer yourself with ease amongst the visions but that is not concentration .

    你可以说你能够在幻觉中 轻松 驾驭自己,但那不是专注。

  • Written as it is in plain English this book can be read with ease .

    前面部分作一个强调说明: 如此简单的英语写的书是 容易阅读的。

  • Their help enabled me to finish the work with ease .

    他们帮助我,使我能够 顺利 完成工作。

  • They could no longer operate or create the technologies they had once made and worked with ease .

    他们再也无法操作和创造他们以前 轻而易举的创造出来的科技了。

  • He jumped the wall with ease .

    毫不费力 跳过了那堵墙。

  • The wall is so low that they can jump over it with ease .

    这墙很低,他们可以 轻而易举 跳过去。

  • At last we can breathe with ease .

    我们最终可以 轻松的呼吸了。

  • I passed their forward with ease .

    轻易 突破了他们的前锋。

  • The gun points with ease .

    轻而易举 瞄准了。