with discretion

[wɪð dɪˈskrɛʃən][wið dɪˈskreʃən]


  • As Synthetical Securities Company it must have innovation on servings developing catenation and characteristic base pushing agent system on advancing research and consultation with discretion .

    作为综合类券商必须在服务内容上创新,推行连锁和特色经营,在不断提高研究咨询功能的基础上 谨慎推行经纪人制度。

  • Even one such as Gromph Baenre had to choose his playmates with discretion .

    即使像贡夫• 班瑞这样的大法师也不得不谨慎挑选自己的情妇。

  • However because principle is necessary connection with discretion reasoning by principle will be very arbitrary ; especially when principles contradict with rules .

    由于原则 自由 的天然关联,基于原则的裁判具有非常强的任意性。

  • Pessimistic session locking should be used with great discretion as it serializes access to data across a business process that includes user think time .

    必须 谨慎使用悲观会话锁定,因为它在业务流程(包括用户思考时间)中序列化数据访问。

  • For many reasons of subjective and objective in the process of administrative punishment the exercise of administrative penalties will inevitably associated with discretion .

    在行政处罚中由于主客观多方面的原因,使行政处罚的行使必然会 伴生 自由

  • It should be handled with discretion to study hydrogen bonding by using ether stretching region .

    用醚键区来分析PU的氢键化要 慎重

  • For this purpose I might do everything with discretion I fitted up a little mast to my boat .

    为了达到这个目的,为了把样样事情做得又 周到慎重,我在我的小船上安装了一根小小的桅杆。

  • Larsson sometimes joined in the fun but with more discretion

    拉森有时会 大家一起玩乐,但是显得更加 矜持

  • Similarly San Francisco lawyer Louise 40 manages her bipolar disorder with humor and discretion .

    类似的情况还有来自旧金山的40岁律师路易斯,她 幽默感和 判断力来控制自己的躁郁症。

  • Thirdly choose the mode of the default judgment with discretion .

    三是 慎重选择缺席判决的模式。

  • Determines guilt with the discretion of punishment is the criminal law suitable two basic links .

    定罪 量刑是刑法适用的两个基本环节。

  • Operation for patients with peritoneal dissemination and internal organs metastatic should be handle with discretion .

    对有腹膜播散、脏器浸润转移患者手术应 慎重

  • Never slacken food production to handle population problem with discretion ;

    改善交通、解决能源、搞活流通:绝不放松粮食生产, 慎重解决人口问题;

  • However the chief planning gradually exposes many flaws especially when the planning executive with broad discretion to make a lot of citizens against the rights under exposure in the planning .

    然而,行政规划也逐渐暴露出不少的缺陷,尤其是行政机关在进行规划时所 具有的广泛的 使公民的诸多权利暴露在规划的侵害之下。

  • The Latin and Greek words are important to know but should be used with discretion and never to overwhelm a reader or listener .

    掌握拉丁词语和希腊词语固然重要,但使用 小心谨慎,不要使读者或听众接受不了。

  • We should apply completeness considerations with discretion .

    通过 判断,我们应该应用完整性规则。

  • Such a person is thankful and grateful feeling continuous gratitude for all such gifts and using them with discretion wisdom and appropriateness .

    这小我为所有这些礼品而持续地感恩,而且得当地、 分寸地利用这些礼品。

  • We treat each candidate with total discretion and in absolute confidence .

    我们预 能力绝对对每名候选人 充分的信心。

  • However EU antidumping rules leave officials with more political discretion than say the equivalent US regime .

    不过, 美国的对应制度相比,欧盟的反倾销规则给予官员们更多政治上的 酌情 处理

  • The servants moved around the house with discretion .

    仆人们在屋里走动很 谨慎

  • Simon had carried out all his assignments with discretion elan and pluck .

    西蒙 凭着 谨慎,热忱和勇敢,完成了他的全部任务。

  • As always I suggest reading with Higher Discretion turned on .

    往常一样,我建议你们 高我的视角来阅读。

  • However it is also a double-edged sword . It can be applied the law to benefit the society . At the same time there are problems with abusing discretion and infringing rights .

    然而,它亦是一把双刃剑,滥用 、侵害权利的问题也 随之产生。

  • Air samples were collected around the headings by instantaneous sample collectors at the moment of blasting then they were analysed with discretion .

    利用瞬间取样器收集了微差爆破过程中工作面附近的气样并进行了 化验

  • Then you can do your part by acting with a little discretion .

    那你就可以 你的 判断力做的好点。

  • The method considers with discretion the fuzziness on the line of distinction of the every criterion and succeeds to the advantage of the fuzzy mathematical method used in the assessment of heavy metal pollution in soil .

    该法 慎重 考虑了各级标准界限的模糊性,较好继承了模糊数学方法用于土壤重金属评价的优点。