with an eye to

[wɪð ən aɪ tu][wið æn ai tu:]


  • With an eye to future business we agree to grant you one percent discount as a special accommodation .

    着眼 以后的合作,我们同意给予你方百分之一的折扣作为优惠。

  • He reads aloud a great deal with an eye to improving his pronunciation .

    他常高声朗读 目的 在于改进发音。

  • Ted Turner the communications magnate also has bought land in Argentine Patagonia with an eye to conservation .

    媒体巨子泰德·透纳 着眼 环境保育,也买下阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚土地。

  • With an eye to future business we 'll accept payment by installment this time .


  • This may be done innocently not realizing what is lost ; or with an eye to reclaiming space in a congested building a sacrifice demanded of the team in exchange for the open space they need .

    这可能是由于管理层没有认识到这样做会造成的损失,属于 无心之过;但也 可能是经理们有意牺牲团队需要, 从而 在拥挤的办公室中回收一些开放的空间。

  • With an eye to future business we agree to grant you7 % discount .

    着眼 未来的业务,我们同意给7%折扣。

  • A president with an eye to history would sketch the contours of a new international settlement .

    然而 历史观的总统将为新的国际格局画出轮廓。

  • The research on public welfare technologies will be intensified with an eye to improve the people 's living conditions .

    加强 社会公益性技术研究,改善人民生活条件。

  • The scale of work-relief program will be enlarged and infrastructure construction in poor and minority areas will be strengthened with an eye to enhance their self-accumulation and self-development capacity .

    扩大以工代 规模,加强贫困地区和少数民族地区基础设施建设,增强其自我积累、自我发展能力。

  • Many of the companies emerging from this start-up wave like the last look as if they were created with an eye to being sold on quick .

    正如上一次浪潮一样,在这次初创企业浪潮中涌现出来的公司中,有很多企业似乎就是 为了迅速 卖掉而创立

  • Each month we 'll explore design patterns principles of reliable software design and why best practices are best with an eye to how they are applied to real problems .

    每个月我们都将探索设计模式、可靠软件设计的原则以及为什么“最佳实践”是最好的, 同时 关注 如何将它们应用于实际问题。

  • Which government with an eye to increasing local prosperity which mayor of a city with a financial business would not want to ?

    哪个 着眼 促进本地繁荣 政府,哪个有金融业务的城市的市长,会不想这么做呢?

  • The greeting cards are finely made with an eye to colour and style .

    这些贺卡做得很精致,色彩和风格很 讲究

  • A counter offer should be handled with great care and with an eye to good will and future business .

    对于还盘的处理应该非常谨慎,必须 着眼 良好的意愿及未来的交易。

  • But do it alone and with an eye to the future .

    但你要自己去做并得 着眼未来。

  • He constructed his house with an eye to architectural beauty .

    建造房屋时 着眼 建筑之美。

  • Still there 's always lots of research to be done in a home-related plan so dig in and do that with an eye to act in June 's first week .

    反正家庭相关的建设还有许多其他的事可以做嘛,就先做做 不痛不痒 准备调查和研究,六月的第一个星期再开始动手。

  • He married her with an eye to her fortune .

    她结婚 看上了他的财产。

  • Sure in a tight economy it makes good sense to pick a major with an eye to what jobs you can get .

    当然,在紧缩的经济形势 选择专业时最好将 眼光 获得职位上。

  • Employees would receive options in their subsidiary with an eye to IPOs when they become profitable enough .

    员工可以获得所在子公司的期权,如果这些子公司变得足够 盈利,也 可以推动这些公司上市。

  • We shall make the plan with an eye to the future .

    我们作计划 应该 考虑 将来。

  • He made this an exception with an eye to future business .

    考虑 以后的生意,所以 破例降价。

  • With an eye to future business I suggest we meet each other half way .

    着眼 未来的合作,我建议双方各让一半。

  • A program of rehabilitation through job training with an eye to gainful employment .

    通过职业培训 寻求有利工作 复员计划。

  • With an eye to our future business we agree to grant you a3 % discount as a special accommodation .

    着眼 我们今后的生意,我们同意给你们3%的折扣作为特殊照顾。

  • The firms able to evolve their security style with an eye to world around us will be ahead of the pack .

    能够 着眼 周围世界、不断调整安保方式的企业将成为同行中的佼佼者。

  • He bought an old barn with an eye to converting it to a restaurant .

    他购置了一个旧谷仓, 目的 在于 将它改建成饭店。

  • Then investment bankers liberated by deregulation and with an eye to the main chance picked up the whole package and sold it hard to chief executives .

    而后,从放松的管制中解放出来的投资银行家们 着眼 最大的获利机会,全盘接受了这一切,卖力地推销给首席执行官们。

  • Washington has also initiated cases with an eye to establishing useful precedents .

    美国政府提起诉讼 着眼 确立有用的判例。