without authorization

[wɪðˈaʊt ˌɔθərɪˈzeʃən][wiˈðaut ˌɔ:θərɪˈzeɪʃən]


  • But this section does not affect the right without authorization non-ratification of the forged signatures .

    但本条并不影响对 授权但非伪造签名之追认。

  • To place foreign exchange deposit abroad without authorization and in violation of government regulations ;

    违反国家规定, 擅自将外汇存放在境外的;

  • It is forbidden to use it for business purpose without authorization .

    绝对禁止在 得到作者 授权 情况 把此作品应用于商业用途!

  • It is illegal to occupy farmland for other uses without authorization .

    不能 随便占用耕地。

  • Disposing of property without authorization after the enterprise is dissolved disbanded or declared bankrupt ;

    (四)解散、被撤销、被宣告破产后, 擅自处理财产的;

  • An attorney using its principal 's trademark for registration in its own name without authorization ;


  • They shall not be altered by other organizations or taxpayers without authorization .

    其他单位和纳税人 不得 擅自改变。

  • No unit or individual is allowed to damage or move such signs or boundary markers without authorization .

    任何单位和个人不得损坏、自挪动该 标桩

  • Thou shalt not use other people 's computer resources without authorization or proper compensation .

    不应 授权 没有适当补偿的 情况 使用他人的计算机资源。

  • Handling exchange settlement or selling without authorization ;


  • Those who prepare and sell any form of narcotic drugs without authorization ;


  • Without authorization or communication the plane began taxiing according to press reports .

    媒体报道称,在 授权 通讯联络的情况下,这架飞机开始滑翔。

  • Those who produce psychotropic drugs or change the production plan or produce additional kinds of psychotropic drugs without authorization ;


  • You never go in without authorization .


  • The ephedrine not exported must not be disposed of without authorization and without the approval of the state department of pharmaceutical administration .

    未经国家药品管理部门批准,不得 擅自处理未出口的麻黄素。

  • Any department or unit shall not be allowed to enter foreign investment enterprise to carry out inspection without authorization except in case of investigating criminal cases .

    除刑事案件侦查外,任何部门和单位不得 擅自进入外来投资企业进行检查。

  • Without authorization no department or unit may work out projects for administrative charges and heighten charging standards .

    任何部门和单位不得 擅自设立收费项目和提高收费标准。

  • To impose charges and quotas and collect money without authorization


  • No site employee shall be on the premises without authorization .

    现场员工 授权不得进入现场。

  • Steal damage deliberately or move without authorization lifesaving articles or appliances ;

    盗窃、故意损坏或者 擅自移动救生物品和设备;

  • Some security threats exist in file services of data center such as access without authorization .

    数据中心内的文件服务存在 授权访问等安全威胁。

  • You should not use other people 's computer resources without authorization .


  • This clause provides against any unauthorized absence from duty . those who import or export psychotropic drugs without authorization .

    这一条条文禁止任何未经批准的缺勤。未经 批准 擅自进口、出口精神药品的。

  • Must not cross any temporary or permanent barriers on any area on site without authorization .

    没有 授权绝对不能跨越任何临时或者永久性的 维护

  • To use the issue fund without authorization .

    (三) 擅自动用发行基金的。

  • Buying and selling foreign exchange by itself or as an agent without authorization ;


  • The behaviour that do sth without authorization of property management company penalizes was disobeyed administration sanctions a method regulation without the basis of any law do not have sanction .

    物业治理公司 擅自处罚的行为违反了《行政处罚法》的规定,没有任何法律的依据,不具有约束力。

  • Those who import or export psychotropic drugs without authorization .

    批准 擅自进口、出口精神药品的。