within the law

[wɪðˈɪn ði lɔ][wiˈðin ðə lɔ:]

[法] 在法律范围内

  • Google is confident their new mapping project is within the law .

    谷歌公司则坚信, 公司 一制图新功能没有 违法

  • Outside the visitors ' room in the middle of the prison courtyard a large stone sign was painted with the Chinese words : Within the law everyone is free .

    在监狱会客室之外的院子中间,一块大石头上用中文写着: 法律 之下,人人自由。

  • I would not have found it improper that the White House sought to protect its classified information by an investigative unit so long as it operated within the law .

    我也许觉得在不 触犯 法律的情况下,白宫由一个调查小组来尽力保护其机密资料没有什么不合理的。

  • Bonaparte victor at Waterloo ; that does not come within the law of the nineteenth century .

    如果拿破仑在滑铁卢胜利,那就 违反了十九世纪 规律

  • But what cannot be challenged is the fundamental right of all citizens to express themselves freely within the law .

    但不容挑战的是,所有公民都有在 法律 范围 自由表达自己的根本权利。

  • People have the right to express themselves within the law and that includes the right to express views and ideas that some may find offensive .

    法律允许的 框架下人们有表达想法的权利,其中包括表达那些有可能得罪人的观点和想法。

  • The only responsibility of corporate executives provided they stay within the law is to make as much money as possible for their companies .

    对于公司的执行官,他们唯一的任务就是在 法律允许的 范围 ,为公司赚取尽可能多的金钱。

  • He said surveillance operations are warranted so long as the fall within the law .

    他说,监控行动只要 符合 法律 规定就会被授权。

  • In an online statement the company said it operates strictly within the law .

    “秋明-英国石油”在互联网上发表声明说,该公司严格 遵照 法律运作。

  • With the other liberty personal liberty is relative freedom within the law .

    同其他自由一样,人身自由是相对 ,是 法律 范围 的自由。

  • They pledged to work within the law to bring about change .

    他们保证在 法律 许可 范围 努力作出改变。

  • Bide within the Law you must in perfect Love and perfect Trust .

    你必须 遵照 法则,有全然的爱和理想的信念。

  • Yet some directors feel that their job is done if they ensure that their company is as profitable as possible year by year whilst staying within the law .

    但是,好些公司董事认为只要公司每年有利可图又没有违规,他们就算是 功德圆满

  • Mrs Clinton was technically within the law in using a private account .

    从技术上说,希拉里使用个人账户是 合法

  • The circumstances are tragic but we have to act within the law .

    事情令人痛心,但我们必须 法律 范畴 行事。

  • You can 't take that course of action and remain within the law .

    你若采取那种行动,就 触犯 法律

  • Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their clients off .

    辩护律师可 法律 范围 利用任何手段为当事人作无罪辩护。

  • In this regard I 've been instructing my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocent victims in this case .

    在这关心方面,我有教我的律师到做每件事物可能 法律 里面保护所有的那无辜者在这情况的受害人。

  • Acted within the law ; within the medical profession .

    法律 允许 范围 活动;在医学专业领域

  • You have to have decided that you 'll do whatever it takes within the law of course to survive .

    做任何事你必须下定决心以求生存,当然,要 法律 范围 之内

  • He said his advice was : ' No heroics stay within the law '

    他说自己的建议是:“不要逞英雄,要 遵纪 守法

  • ( British ) socialism to be established by gradual reforms within the law .

    主张 法律 范围 逐渐改革的(英国)社会主义。

  • Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations provided they operate within the law is to make as much money as possible .

    也有人认为,公司唯一的责任就是, 违反 法律 前提下多赚钱。

  • Earth in the Constitution may be included within the law .

    国在地球宪法 可自定 法律

  • The essence of a bootstrapped business is a willingness to do what it takes ( within the law of course ) to get things moving .

    一家自力更生的企业取得成功的关键在于,要有不惜一切代价(当然,要 法律 界限 )向前推进的意志力。

  • I think it 's live and let live-we 're a tolerant society we allow people who are not doing harm to others to dress and behave as they wish as long as its within the law .

    我想这是推己及人&我们处在一个宽容的社会,我们允许不伤害别人的人按照自己的意愿穿衣和行事,只要 法律允许 范围 之内

  • Earlier this month Mr Putin said that he supported opposition protests as long as they were within the law .

    这个月的早些时候,普京先生还声称:他支持反对言论,只要不 违反 法律

  • I can assure you that I was acting within the law .

    我可以向你保证,我一直都没 犯法

  • It is important for pressure groups to remain within the law .

    法律 许可 范围 行事, 对于院外压力集团是很重要的。