with an open mind

[wɪð ən ˈopən maɪnd][wið æn ˈəupən maind]


  • Cool to listen to harsh words flattery then alert listening analysis of objection to listen to criticism with an open mind to listen to the words .

    刺耳的话冷静地听,谄媚的话警惕地听,反对的话分析 听,批评的话 虚心地听。

  • Believe it or not a man needs to talk to so it 's best you listen with an open mind and not try to interrupt .

    信不信由你,男人需要人与之交谈。所以你最好 聚精会神地去倾听,而不要总想打断。

  • With an open mind I hope .

    我希望不要 成见

  • I face it with an open mind open hands and an open heart .

    敞开 心扉,解放的双手和开放的心灵去面对它。

  • First building a harmonious world with an open mind .

    第一,树立 开放 思维,构建和谐世界。

  • Why can 't its people accept new ideas and new things with an open mind ? '

    中国人为什么不能 敞开 胸怀接受新观点、新事物呢?

  • The piecemeal engineer can attack his problem with an open mind as to the scope of the reform .

    渐进工程师可以 改革的范围中 成见 提出自己的问题。

  • The point is to debate the issue with an open mind .

    关键是,要 开放 心态参与这个问题的辩论。

  • To enhance teachers'teaching understanding we should make efforts to highlight the significance of teaching listen to others with an open mind empathize accurately and introspect consciously .

    提升教师的教学理解,需要在凸显教学意义、 虚心倾听、准确移情和自主反思等方面做出努力。

  • You have to come with an open mind .

    你必须 开放 思想

  • All options should be explored with an open mind to achieve this .

    开放 态度寻求能够达成这 目标的所有方式。

  • I will come with an open mind and apply my medical and social-science training to take an evidence-based approach .

    我将 开放 心态来担当这 重任,应用我受过的医学培训和社科教育,采取一种实事求是的工作方法。

  • With an open mind and open the door with Japan and other countries close contacts let people feel the charm of Chinese culture highly promoted national development and harmony .

    并且 开放 胸怀大开国门,与日本等国密切交往,让人们感受到中国民族文化的魅力,极高的促进了民族的发展与和谐。

  • Confused about whether I was going to pursue the path of entrepreneurship or work for a company after graduation I approached my internship with an open mind .

    我当时很困惑到底毕业后是自主创业还是为给公司打工。因此,我抱 开放 心态接受了这份实习。

  • The boy accepted my advice with an open mind .

    那个男孩 诚心诚意地接受了我的劝告。

  • Finally consider with an open mind whether the deadlines might not really be so crazy .

    最后 开放 思想考量一下,这一期限或许并不是真的疯狂 可达到。

  • He accepted his comrades ' criticisms and suggestions with an open mind .


  • Listen to each other with an open mind and seek resolutions that you both can be happy with .

    宽容 彼此倾听,找寻 你们都能接受的解决办法。

  • We are also willing to listen attentively to the world increase our dialogue and communication with the rest of the world with an open mind . We regard this as a demonstration of the broad-mindedness of Chinas diplomacy .

    中国还愿虚心地倾听世界的声音, 开放包容的 心态加强与外界的对话与沟通,这是中国外交应有的胸怀。

  • The only way to avoid this is to continue to advance respect other people and study with an open mind .

    唯一的办法就是不断地前进,就是尊重别人, 虚心学习。

  • At the same time they should accept and accommodate others'views with an open mind .

    同时也要 虚心接受和包容别人的意见。

  • Theres a lot of work to do . But we believe doing & going with an open mind and listening as well as making our case we believe it can be done .

    还有很多的工作要做。但我们相信 开放 思路、通过倾听以及阐明我们的观点,我们相信这是可以做到的。

  • That night I embraced this idea with an open mind and began a list .

    那天晚上,我怀着试试看的 心情,也 张清单

  • So long as they study the new situation and new problems with an open mind their performance will improve .

    只要大家都 虚心研究新情况、新问题,工作就会不断改进。

  • She listened to the proposal with an open mind .

    公正 态度听取这项方案。

  • Face life with an open mind .
