with his understanding

[wɪð hɪz ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ][wið hiz ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ]


  • It probably won 't do any good to ask a2-year-old to stop chewing with his mouth open ; he probably lacks the understanding and physical coordination to comply .

    让一个2岁的孩子不再张着 嘴巴咀嚼食物也许是毫无用处的,可能他缺乏相应的 理解能力,以及生理上的协调能力。

  • In addition to the formation of artist-style pen with his personal habits to the ink control and understanding of the painting the cultivation of his personal spirit and inner links are also great .

    山水画家风格的形成除了 个人用笔的习惯,对笔墨的掌控以及 绘画的 理解外,还与其个人精神和内在修养有很大的联系。

  • The second part of the sketch of this traditional concept of creative methods are explained once again discussed the role of painting purpose and meaning combined with his previous sketch shows a superficial understanding of the importance of painting .

    第二部分中对写生这一传统的创作方法的概念进行说明,再次论述写生的作用、目的和意义, 结合 自己以前对写生的肤浅 认识说明写生的重要性。

  • Mark Twain a famous American novelist and satirist changed his writing style from humor to bitter satire with the development of the society and his understanding of it .

    美国著名幽默讽刺大师,马克·吐温的写作风格 随着社会的发展以及 社会的 认识 加深,从前期的幽默发展到后期的辛辣讽刺。

  • His delicate familiarity with children 's psychology his thorough understanding of Americans and American society and his great contributions to American English have won great respect and reputation among the people around the world .

    儿争心理洞微察幽的 熟谙美国人民与美国社会 力透纸背的剖析,以及对美国英语卓越无比的贡献,赢得了世界人民的尊敬与爱戴。

  • The author re-selects Bai Juyi 's poems and redefines leisure poems in a broad sense with reference to Bai Juyi 's own definition and his predecessor 's understanding of leisure .

    笔者按照白居易对闲适诗的定义,参考前人对于闲适的 理解来重新筛选白居易诗作,从而定义为广义的闲适诗,本论文所探讨的 闲适诗即在此范围内。

  • This is not to deny that Leibniz 's relationalism intersects with his understanding of the representation of space .

    这并不是否认 他的空间表示 理解莱布尼茨的关系论相交。

  • The18-year-old admitted he was disappointed not to mark the occasion with a victory but hopes his understanding with the big Greek will give boss Roy Hodgson some food for thought .

    这位18岁小将承认他对球队不能获胜而有些失望。不过他希望 与基叔在场上的 默契能够给霍爷带了一些想法。

  • Conrad is a writer for the future & not the kind of writer who can be understood just with one reading for his works contain deep understanding and profound insights on human relationships cultural communication and human nature .

    康拉德是一位书写未来的作家,他不属于那些一两遍就可以读懂的作家之列,因为 他的作品蕴含着他对人类的社会关系、文化交流、人性本质等深刻的 认识和睿智的分析。

  • For this cause we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ;

    因此,我们自从听见的日子,也就为你们不住的祷告祈求,愿你们在一切属灵的智慧 悟性上, 满心知道 的旨意。

  • He bound divinity with dharma and so his understanding of non-divinity was that it was a kind of parochial non-dharma atheism .

    他把神性 德性捆在一起, 理解的非神性是一种狭隘的、无德性的无神论,而没有认识到无神论和唯物主义的真正价值。

  • I 'll illustrate this idea with a computer solutions sales manager . His list might include understanding customers meeting information needs with computer solutions coaching junior salesmen and communicating well verbally .

    电脑解决方案的销售经理为例, 这份工作需要 了解顾客,熟知电脑解决方案的信息,训练初级销售人员以及拥有良好的沟通能力。

  • In his concerns he wrote a lot of his subjective views integrating with his understanding and compassion on historical figures .

    在关注中, 倾注自己的主观看法,渗透对历史人物的 理解同情。

  • Mr Darling could be straight out of Mary Poppins with his subservient business nose to the grindstone not understanding his children too well .

    达令 先生 为了生意卑躬屈膝、劳碌奔波,并不 了解子女的心意。

  • Jack with his new understanding is able to forgive his father and take his first steps on the path of life .

    这样的全新 视角,杰克终于能够原谅父亲,并且开始他生命的新征程。

  • Writer simultaneously on the previous history is replete with doubts writers have used his pen to express an understanding of history the history of their own minds .

    同时作家对以往的历史 充满了质疑,作家用笔表达着 自己对历史的 理解,自己心目中的历史。

  • There are four parts . First combining with his own understanding the author will define the individualism and explicitly put forward its applicable range .

    全文共分四个部分:首先 结合作者 自己 理解对个人主义这一概念进行界定,并且明确其使用范畴。

  • The subjectivity of a translator together with the restrictions is reflected in his decisions of selecting understanding the source text and selecting the translation strategies .

    本文发现译者的主体性以及制约因素体现在 译者对原文的选择和 理解以及翻译策略上。

  • A two-way interpretation is to examine oneself with the knowledge of his counterpart so as to have a better understanding of both himself and his counterpart .

    双向诠释即是首先了解 对方,然后从对方的角度和视野来观察 进一步了解自己,使双方 自己和对方都有了新的 认识

  • The author on the basis of referring to a great quantity of literature and coupled with his personal understanding of judicial practice discusses the new problems concerning incidental civil action .

    作者在参考大量文献资料的基础上, 结合 自己司法实践的 体会,对附带民事诉讼若干新问题进行探讨。

  • With his encouragement and help I get a better understanding of his academic thoughts .

    他的鼓励和帮助之下,我对其学术思想的 理解变得越来越 流畅

  • He failed in his examination but he was intoxicated with that and his intoxication was beyond my understanding .

    他考试失败了,然而他却 得意忘形,这是我难以 理解的。

  • He kept in touch with with westerners actively consult with some western situation thus deepening his understanding of the West step by step .

    主动与西方人士接触,咨询西方情状,对西方的 认识逐步加深。

  • He pleaded with his parents for a more understanding attitude .

    他求 父母多加 谅解

  • This article deals with 2-field in title description and the author presents here his own understanding .

    本文 大量实例试就2-字段中题名的著录谈谈 笔者在实践中的 理解 认识

  • In fact his substantial and positive interaction with our team and his understanding of our firm is what motivated him to choose Blackstone over the myriad other opportunities he had .

    实际上,正是由于他 我们团队大量积极的互动以及 我们公司的 了解促使他在他所获得的诸多机会中选择了黑石。

  • This reflected that his understanding of literature is gradually in-depth and his change in views on the Function of literature came along with the change of his understanding of the nature of literature .

    而这反映了 周作人对文学的认识是逐渐深入的。对文学功能看法的变化是 随着对文学本质的 认识变化而变化的。

  • Factual errors in criminal law is that an actor misunderstands the factual situation which is correspondent with his behavior namely the subjective understanding of the situation of human behavior is not consistent with the objective phenomenon .

    刑法中的事实错误,是指行为人对 自己行为有关的事实状况存在不正确的 认识,也即行为人主观 认识的情况与客观事实不相符合的现象。

  • Yip 's Sang 's involvement with shipping companies and his own business demonstrated his understanding of the freight industry and his ability to work fluently in both Chinese and English languages .

    阿寿 船运公司的联系以及 自己的事业,展示了他 运输业的 了解和熟练使用汉语和英语工作的能力。