without a division

[wɪðˈaʊt e dɪˈvɪʒən][wiˈðaut ə diˈviʒən]

[法] 无分歧,一致

  • The Conclusion is that four experts without exception find that the zi is the basic structural unit of Chinese with a full demonstration from a different perspective but with obvious difference on the division of the language unit between zi and sentence .

    结论是他们 一致认定字是汉语的基本结构单位,并从不同的角度进行 充分的论证。但他们对字以上句以下语言单位的 划分呈现出明显的差异。

  • In the global village a country without world-class universities can only play a dispensable role in the system of global division no matter how big it is .

    在全球化的今天, 如果一个国家 没有世界水平的大学,即使国家规模再大,在世界 分工体系中也只能永远 充当小配角的角色。

  • Without a legal will the division of Jackson 's estate would be decided in court .

    没有合法的遗嘱的 杰克逊的遗产将会在法庭上做出判决。

  • Currently financial news outlets can 't sell data and news articles in China without a license from the China Economic Information Service a division of Xinhua news agency .

    目前,外资金融信息供应商在 没有获得新华 社旗下中国经济信息社颁发的牌照前不能销售数据和新闻服务。

  • And a ring without zero divi - sor is a division ring or Jacobson radical ring .

    零因子环是 环或是Jacobson根环。

  • The Bill was read without a division . Atrophie blanche complicated by un-classified connective tissue disease : a case report

    该法案未经分组表决即进行宣读.白色萎缩合并 分类结缔组织病1例