with an iron hand

[wɪð ən ˈaɪən hænd][wið æn ˈaiən hænd]


  • He ruled with an iron hand in a velvet political glove .

    他统治的策略 铁手上戴春天鹅绒般柔软光滑的政治手套。

  • The king governs his people with an iron hand in a velvet glove .

    国王 外柔内刚,统治他的臣民。

  • Keven rules his family with an iron hand and even his wife seems afraid of him at times .

    凯温 铁腕统治他的家庭,结果连他的妻子有时似乎也怕他。

  • He dealt with Chechen 's splittists by an iron hand against terror .

    车臣问题上,强硬 对付车臣分裂势力,以 铁腕手段反恐;