with clean hands


  • She who comes to equity come with clean hands .

    自身 清白者方能获得衡平 救济

  • John grew up in a bad environment but he grew up with clean hands .

    约翰在一个不良的环境长大,可是他很 清白做过错事。

  • We want a priest with clean hands who is worthy of the calling .

    们盼望一位配得上上帝的召唤的 纯净无暇的 圣职者。

  • As a result our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners but without any idea how to manage their money .

    结果,我们的孩子长大了, 双手 干净,礼数周全,但是理财观念却是半点没有。

  • Henry came out of court with clean hands .

    亨利被法庭 宣告 无罪

  • I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands .

    我做这事是 正手 的。

  • An outside expert brought in to reduce the employee headcount leaving the top brass with clean hands and a clean conscience .

    外界雇用的“专家”,受聘裁减雇员总数,留下 手脚干净、良心未泯的高层管理人员。

  • The accused came away from the trial with clean hands after the judge declared there was no case to answer .

    法官宣布事实并非如此,被告 清白地离开了法庭。

  • Did he not say to me 'she is my sister 'and didn 't she also say 'he is my brother ' ? I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands .

    那人岂不是自己对我说‘他是我的妹子’吗?就是女人也自己说:‘他是我的哥哥。’我做这事是 正手 的。

  • Nevertheless the righteous will hold to their ways and those with clean hands will grow stronger .

    然而,义人要持守所 的道; 的人要力 加力。

  • Henry came out of Court with clean hands . The judge concluded that the accused was guilty .

    亨利被法庭 宣告 无罪。法官判定被告有罪。

  • The driver should always operate the steering wheel with clean and dry hands .

    不准驾驶员 湿 开车。

  • When she had thanked him and he had gone she drove the car back into the garden got out with the children and went back to her work in the house – with clean hands .

    她道过谢后,这个男人就开车走了。于是她将车开回庭园,和孩子们一起下了车,然后回到屋里去干她的家务活一 双手 干干净净的。

  • Henry came out of Court with clean hands . He has been acquitted and no wonder .

    亨利被法庭 宣告 无罪.他被判无罪.不足为奇。

  • How can you expect to win confidence of the people unless you come to them with clean hands .

    你如何能赢得人民的信任,除非你以 廉洁 他们打 交道

  • Jesus replied with a quote from isaiah to show the religious leaders that even though they had clean hands they had unclean hearts .

    耶稣引述以赛亚的说话来回答他们,表示宗教领袖徒然有一 清洁 ,但内心却是不洁的。