with open mouth

[wɪð ˈopən maʊθ][wið ˈəupən mauθ]


  • Laugh with open mouth until eternity ;

    笑到 几时合口

  • It is also considered impolite to chew food with an open mouth or to talk while chewing anything .

    张大 嘴巴咀嚼食物,或者边咀嚼边说话,也被认为是不礼貌的。

  • Oppress 'd with myself that I have dared to open my mouth .

    压迫源 自己我终敢 开口说起。

  • The boundary problem of finite element method in solving the sound vibration of cavities with open mouth has been studied .

    本文讨论了 开腔振动问题的有限元计算中边界条件的 处理

  • Sam 's audience hanging on his words with open mouth he could not but proceed .

    听众正 等他往下说,于是山姆不得不继续发挥下去。

  • The Syrians before and the Philistines behind ; and they shall devour Israel with open mouth .

    东有亚兰人,西有非利士人。他们 张口要吞吃以色列。

  • Everything being settled the dog flew at the monkey with open mouth . The monkey immediately leaped on his back and grasping the dogs ear beat away at his head with such good will that his adversary speedily gave in .

    一切都解决了。狗向猴子 张开 ,这只猴子立刻跳上了它的背部,抓住它的耳朵并且意志很坚定地打了它的头。

  • But with a certain degree of limitation of mouth opening and gradually improved after mouth open training . After radiation therapy patients all had temporary dry mouth sore throat 4 patients had acute oral ulcers .

    同时出现一定程度张口受限,行 张口训练后逐渐好转。术后一月左右开始放射治疗,均出现不同程度的短暂 口干,咽痛等症状,4例患者出现急性口腔溃疡。

  • Furthermore students studying with a strict teacher who corrects every single mistake every time they open your mouth will soon lose confidence and feel that they can 't say anything right !

    另外,学生一出错,老师就纠正,会导致学生丧失信心,认为自己什么 不好。

  • The most popular kinds were the tube-shaped pot with double lips and the bulging-belt pot with open mouth from the time the kingdom wasn 't built to the early stage of the Pohai Reign .

    渤海建国前至渤海建国初期,最具代表性的陶器主要是重唇筒形罐 鼓腹罐。

  • Method : 62 patients with complex fractures of midfacial region were treated with open reduction and internal fixation . After surgery the complexion proportion of the face occlusion opening mouth extent facial paralysis cerebrospinal fluid leak diplopia X ray and spiral CT etc.

    方法:对62 面中部复杂骨折进行手术 复位和内固定,术后对面形、面部比例、牙合关系、 张口度、面瘫、脑脊液鼻耳漏、复视、X线和CT等项目进行评估。