with one voice

[wɪð wʌn vɔɪs][wið wʌn vɔis]


  • To be sure Europe is only likely to matter to China and India to the extent that it can rediscover its entrepreneurial spirit reinvigorate its economy and speak with one voice in the world .

    当然,只有在欧洲能够重新发掘自己的企业家精神、复兴经济、在全球 声音说话的时候,它才有可能变得对中国和印度事关重要。

  • The international community must start speaking with one voice and fast .

    国际社会必须开始 声音 说话,而且动作要快。

  • The staff must speak with one voice if the management is to take notice of our suggestions .

    如果资方考虑我们的建议,那我们这些职员们一定要 统一 口径保持 一致

  • With one voice one heart Two hands we can .


  • He was chosen with one voice .

    全场 一致选了他。

  • All Chinese contemporary aesthetic viewpoints that oppose and deny the practical aesthetics criticize it with one voice that the practice aesthetics ignores the form of beauty and aesthetics .

    摘要中国当代所有反对和否定实践美学的美学观点都 异口同声 指责实践美学忽视美和审美的形式性。

  • The struggle against this attempt has grown in momentum with Chinese both at home and abroad condemning the two states theory with one voice .

    这场斗争形成了海内外中国 同声谴责“两国论”的强大声势。

  • So you see major we speak with one voice and we are resolute .

    你看到了,少校,我们都很 一致,大家都很坚决。

  • This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs .

    这将使该共同体在国际事务上能 声音讲话。

  • But when they knew that he was a Jew all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out Great is Diana of the Ephesians .

    只因他们认出他是犹太人,就大家 同声喊着说:“大哉!以弗所 的亚底米啊。”如此约 两小时。

  • This is the reason why we decided to speak with one voice today Ms Merkel said asked about the US attitude as expressed in recent comments by Barack Obama president and Lawrence Summers his economic advisor .

    这是我们之所以决定今天 声音说话的原因。在被问及美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)及其经济顾问劳伦斯萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)近期言论所表达的态度时,默克尔如此表示。

  • But the business schools speak with one voice when they say that the real problem occurs much earlier in the education system .

    但商学院却 众口一辞 表示,教育体系的真正问题在很早以前就出现了。

  • There cheers for the moon ! roared the gun club with one voice .

    “乌拉,月亮!”整个大炮俱乐部 同声高叫。

  • The Bric label disguises the fact that the four countries with which South Africa is sometimes associated do not really speak with one voice on the world economic stage let alone co-ordinate their actions in advance .

    金砖四国这个标签掩盖了一个事实,即这四个国家(有时还要加上南非)在世界经济舞台上并不 声音说话,更遑论预先协调它们的行动了。

  • But Mr Parrish suggested that speaking with one voice through a trade association might be counter-productive since it can give the impression that the industry is a monolithic cartel .


  • Tonight this chamber speaks with one voice to the people we represent : It is you our citizens who make the state of our union strong .

    今晚,这个大厅 声音对我们代表的人民说,正是你们我们的公民创造了我们强大的联邦。

  • The European Union lacks military muscle and struggles to speak with one voice .

    欧盟(EU)则缺乏军事实力,而且还难以做到 声音 说话

  • With one voice the workers voted to strike .

    工人投票 一致 要求罢工。

  • None of this would be possible without standardized terminology which allows us to speak with one voice .

    如果没有标准化的术语让我们 话语进行沟通,以上这些都是不可能做到的。

  • However he said sticking to the six-party format increased the chance that they would speak with one voice and prevent Pyongyang from trying to divide them .

    然而,他表示,坚持六方会谈模式,增加了它们“ 声音 说话、防止平壤分化它们”的可能性。

  • The African countries too through the Organization of African Unity demand with one voice that no other country interfere in their internal affairs .

    还有非洲,非洲统一组织的强烈的普遍的 呼声就是要求别国不要干涉他们的内政。

  • And when he entered into the city all the people came to meet him and they were crying out to him as with one voice .

    当他走进城时,所有人都来迎接他,他们 异口同声呼唤他。

  • With one voice they disapprove of you all bossily saying that it is your job to mentor talent ( horrid phrase ) and that if you even think of keeping him down you are a worm .

    他们 齐声反对你,都专横地认为,培养人才(可怕的措辞)是你的责任,如果你竟想贬低他,那你就是个小人。

  • For example the owner of the eventual product if represented by more than one person must nevertheless speak with one voice through a primary representative with access to the sponsor 's resources .

    比如,最终产品的所有者,假设不止一 个人,必须通过一个主要代表访问发起方的资源。

  • Our group rejected this proposal with one voice .

    我们小组 异口同声地拒绝了这个提议。

  • Europe 's Byzantine decision-making structure does not help but Germany needs to ensure that decisions are reached fast that Europe speaks with one voice & and that co-ordination with the IMF is smooth .

    欧洲的拜占庭式决策结构于事无补,但德国需要确保决策迅速做出,确保欧洲 声音说话&并确保以与IMF精诚合作。

  • The Council felt that they should speak on the matter with one voice .

    理事会感到在这件事上,他们必须 声音说话。

  • They put it aBout with one voice that they would do no such thing . She looked as ill at ease as the Major .

    他们 异口同声 宣称不愿做这样的事。她看来同少校一样地坐立不安。

  • They consented with one voice .

    他们 异口同声地表示同意。