with all faults


  • With all deformation observing data we analyze the abnormal distribution of crustal deformation and discuss the group deformation characteristic of the faults .

    对异常的时空分布进行综合分析,探讨 地震 发生各个测量场地测量数据中所 包含的前兆异常特征。同时对各 断裂的群体形变特征进行分析。

  • With all his faults he is a gentleman .

    他的 缺点 多,仍不失为一位君子。

  • With all dear Emma 's little faults she is an excellent creature .

    亲爱的爱玛虽然有些这样那样的小 毛病,但她是个非凡的女性。

  • Seen from a lower point of view the Constitution with all its faults is very good ;

    从一个较低层次的观点看,美国宪法 尽管 许多 缺点,但仍然是很好的;

  • JTAG Boundary Scan is a new technique for connection test . With the help of JTAG we can find out all connection faults of a complicated board or system .

    JTAG边界扫描机制是用于在线导通测试的新技术, 利用JTAG可以在数分钟内查出复杂插件和系统的 全部导通 故障

  • Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement XXX agrees to sell to Buyer the Goods AS IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS .

    根据本协议的条款和条件,XXX同意向买方出售“原封不动, 缺点毕陈”的货物。

  • A parent is an ordinary person with all the faults & weakness of a human .

    每一个父母是一个再普通不过的平凡人 拥有 所有人类的 缺点/病和弱点。

  • By the analysis of the possible fault the method dealing with the different faults in different grades is used to realize that carrier recovers all by itself when faults happen .

    通过对可能发生的故障进行分析, 故障分级处理的方法,对故障进行处理,尽可能实现运载装置在 故障的自动恢复。

  • Computing the Minimal Hitting Sets with Binary HS-Tree A method of calculating minimal hitting sets is proposed and its correctness is proved . Using this method it will be easier to determine all the real faults from candidates in fault diagnosis based on model .

    对分HS-树计算最小碰集提出一种最小 hitting集算法,以满足基于模型故障诊断中 诊断解的计算。

  • The tapes are sold with all faults .

    磁带一 售出,概不 退换

  • With considering three kinds of short circuit faults of all parallel AT traction system analyzed with the equivalent circuit and obtained the current distributions under various faults .

    针对 并联AT供电牵引网的3种短路故障,结合当量等值电路进行了理论分析,得出了各种不同 故障下的电流分布情况。

  • The law in civil law system countries ordered that minor ' parents shouldered the infringement responsibility on their minor children ' infringement act while the common law system paid more attention on the principle of person concerned with all faults .

    大陆法系国家法律 责令未成年子女的父母就其未成年子女的侵权行为对他人承担侵权责任,英美法系更加强调责任自负原则,监护人的 替代责任 英美法系 不被认可的。

  • People we can relate to with all of their faults passions fears weaknesses and good moments .

    我们之所以会觉得一个人可信,是 因为所有 错误、激情、恐惧、脆弱和美好的瞬间。

  • With the optimal location of all the monitors both balanced and unbalanced faults in both buses and transmission lines can be detected by at least one of the monitoring devices .

    所有监测装置满足优化配置得条件下,系统中 所有由线路或母线发生的平衡或不平衡的 短路 故障而引起的电压暂降事件,都能被至少其中一台监测装置所捕获。

  • With all her faults he still liked her .

    尽管 那麽缺点,可他还是喜欢她。

  • The dynamic test shows that the new method with simple principle and easy implementation can rapidly and reliably cut all the inner faults in the power transformer .

    动模试验表明:该方法原理简单、易于实现,能够迅速、可靠地切除 各种情况下变压器的内部 故障

  • With all your faults you were frank and honest .

    你过去 对待自己 一切 过错的态度 是坦率而诚实的。

  • Based on the calculated results characteristics of basic stress field along this belt and its relationship with strong earthquake activities have also been discussed and the offset features of all faults have been proved at the same time .

    根据计算结果讨论了本带的基本应力场的特点及其 强震活动的关系,同时论证了 断层的错动性质。

  • It is what it is and so are you with all your contradictions and faults and failings .

    它还是它,你也是。包括你 所有的反驳, 过失与弱点。