with a high hand

[wɪð e haɪ hænd][wið ə hai hænd]


  • All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand .

    所有的野蛮征服者总是爱 高压 手段

  • It was not unusual for these running gentry who carried it with a high hand to quarrel in the servants hall while they were waiting for their masters and mistress .

    这些 盛气凌人的跟班,在等候自己的男女主人时,经常在佣人室里争吵。

  • In a period of modernizing with a high speed we must scan the technical innovation in which the economic effect is simplification so as to bring the technical innovation into ecological benefit on the one hand and social effectiveness on the other .

    在现代化 快速发展的时代背景 ,我们必须重新审视传统技术创新经济效益的单一化, 生态效益和社会效益纳入到技术创新目标体系中去。

  • Relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality . All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand .

    属于、有关或者具有一个自治市特征。所有的野蛮征服者总是爱 高压 手段