work's weight


  • The couple have had no previous trouble renewing their annual work visas but this year it was declined due to health risks associated with Albert 's weight .

    这对夫妇以前在续签年度 工作签证时没遇到过什么问题,但是今年却被拒签,原因 艾伯特 体重影响到他的健康。

  • With analysis on progress rate features a progress rate measurement system has been developed on the basis of establishing work breakdown structure defining work package 's contribution weight and choosing proper progress rate measurement model .

    在分析被测量对象进度特性的基础上,通过建立工作分解结构、确定各 工作包进度贡献 权重和选择适用的进度测量模型等步骤,就可以完成进度测量系统的开发工作。

  • It was a good idea of yours to ask your wife to do some work for us-she 's been worth her weight in gold .

    让你妻子帮我们干些 ,你这个主意倒很好;她一直 顶用的。