working control

[ˈwə:kɪŋ kənˈtrol][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ kənˈtrəul]


  • After the installation works began supervisory engineers conducted full process supervision of the installation works taking an element project as basis and laying the stress on working procedure control .

    安装工程开始后,监理工程师对安装现场以单元工程为基础,以 工序 控制为重点进行全过程跟踪监督。

  • On working Control Measure of Hydraulic Synchro Operation

    液压同步 工作 控制措施

  • On the basis of analyzing the principle of embedded touch panel system the working principle and control method of dedicated controller ADS7846 Touch Screen were analyzed .

    在分析液晶触摸屏的工作原理基础上,分析触摸屏专用控制器ADS7846的 工作原理与 控制方式。

  • Swaziland 's International Airport has no working control tower or radar system and lighting for nighttime landings is so poor that pilots are forced to fly by memory the government has been told .

    斯威士兰政府获悉,该国国际机场的 指挥塔和雷达系统都已 失灵,夜间降落的照明条件也很差,使得飞行员只能凭记忆飞行。

  • My first two years as a guard I was working at the control center as an operator where the entire emergency calls and electronic alarms are received .

    当警卫的头两年我在 控制中心做接线员,所有的紧急呼叫和电子警报都会接到那。

  • This paper describes the basic working principles and control methods of three-phase high-frequency boost & buck IGBT SPWM rectifiers .

    文中介绍了IGBT升压与降压式三相高频SPWM整流器的基本 工作原理和 控制方法。

  • SD-175 seed-meter test platform is the key equipment for seed-meter performance test . PLC and intelligent apparatus constitute the working automatic control system of the type SD-175 seed-meter test platform .

    SD-175型排种器试验台是排种器性能试验的关键设备,利用PLC及智能型仪表构成SD-175型排种器试验台 运行自动 控制系统,本文结合试验台的 工作原理。

  • This paper introduced a series of molding machine structure working principle and control method and automatic assembly line control principle and realization method .

    本论文详细介绍了一次镗削成型机床的基本结构、 工作原理、 控制方法,及自动化流水线控制机构工作原理和实现方法。

  • Numerical control technology is to use digital information to mechanical motion and working process control technologies ;

    数控技术是用数字信息对机械运动和 工作过程进行 控制的技术;

  • Management of national stock right includes management by the working control management by holding stocks and management by transfer of stock right .

    国有股权管理有 控股管理、 参股管理和股权流动管理三种主要方式。

  • The design construction inspect and quality supervisor should do the relative work perfectly to enhance the construction management and working procedure control to insure the quality of the waterproof layer of the bridge surface .

    设计、施工、监理以及质量监督人员应做好相关工作,进一步加强施工管理及 工序 控制,以确保桥面防水层的质量。

  • The working process control system configuring and software program design is introduced .

    介绍了改进后静水压试验机的 工作过程、 控制系统配置及软件程序设计。

  • It also studies about the working and control of the SCXI module and designs the strain signal condition and acquisition procedure of the SCXI-1520 which is controlled by PXI-6052E and the insulation amplify signal acquisition procedure of SCXI-1125 which is controlled by PXI-6052E .

    研究了SCXI模块的 工作方式以及 控制方法,设计了基于PXI-6052E控制的SCXI-1520应变信号调理采集程序和SCXI-1125隔离放大采集程序。

  • The Establishment of Working Control Points in Surface Mine by EDM Polar Coordinate Method and its Accuracy Analysis

    用测距极坐标法建立露天矿 工作 控制点及其精度分析

  • I 'm working in quality control . I 'd like some information on our fridge .

    我是 质检部,我想了解我们冰箱方面的信息。

  • The theoretical analyses and tests on the spot were conducted on tunneling working face dust control & ventilation in underground mines .

    巷道凿岩通风 防尘进行了理论探讨和现场试验。

  • This paper introduces the working process and control features of the automatic production line of DC battery discharge and designs an automatic control system of DC battery discharge based on PLC .

    介绍了直流电池放电自动化生产线的 工作过程与 控制特点,设计了一种基于PLC的直流电池放电自动化控制系统。

  • This paper briefly introduces the superiority limitation basic working principles and control parameters of actuated signal control .

    介绍交叉口感应信号控制的优越性和局限性、基本 工作原理以及 控制参数。

  • Effect of Chemical Regulation on High Yield Properties of Maize ; Working Control

    化学调控对高产性状的调控效应研究 实际 控制有效 控制

  • Wheel 's repair is one of the most important works of the railway lorry 's repair its quality right influences the safety and character of the train . Both its repair working procedure control and information management are the emphases of the whole vehicles ' repair technology management .

    轮对检修是铁路货车检修工作中最关键的环节之一,其质量的好坏直接影响着列车的运行安全和品质,其检修 工序过程 控制和信息技术管理也是整个车辆检修技术管理中的重点。

  • Working Principle of Control System of Fluid Conveying Systems of EPB Shield Machines

    土压平衡盾构机流体输送 控制系统 工作原理

  • When working with access control entries you specify a trustee to which you are assigning the rights .

    使用访问 控制项时,您指定向其分配权限的受信者。

  • Working pressure is the hydraulic pressure control valve before the working hydraulic control valve back pressure minus the difference .

    工作压差是指水力控制阀前的 工作压力减去水力 控制阀出口背压的差值。

  • Reliability Allocation Method for the Long Time Working Missile Control System

    导弹 控制系统长期 电可靠性分配方法研究

  • The utility model can reduce working current and leakage current increase working voltage and control capacitive discharge time .

    利用本实用新型,可以减少工作电流及漏电流,增加 工作电压, 控制电容放电时间。

  • The design of working fluid control distribution in rotary steering drilling tool

    旋转导向钻井工具 液压分配 系统的设计

  • Or a policewoman working crowd control .

    或者是一个 维持 秩序的警察。

  • The paper introduced circuit structure working principle and control strategy of a new type of single-phase UPS system with series-parallel dual-inverter .

    文章介绍了一种新型串并联双变流器单相UPS电源系统的电路结构、 工作原理和 控制策略。

  • The basic function working principle and control circuit of the electronic starting protection system are introduced here .

    本文介绍电控起动控制系统的基本功能、 工作原理及 控制电路。

  • The French luxury retailer is also working to control its pace of store expansion in China .

    LVMH也在 努力 控制中国专卖店的扩张步伐。